Class FV_ThermalConductivity

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class FV_ThermalConductivity : private MaterialProperty

A class for computing thermal conductivity using the finite volume method.

A FV_ThermalConductivity object is created and used by the compute_FVThermalConductivity() functions.



Public Functions

FV_ThermalConductivity(puma::Workspace *segWS, puma::Matrix<double> *T, std::map<int, double> matCond, std::string sideBC, std::string solverType, char dir, double solverTol, int solverMaxIt, bool print, int numThreads)

A constructor which takes in the parameters used in calculating thermal conductivity from the finite volume method.

  • segWS – a segmented workspace containing the domain.

  • T – a pointer to a puma matrix to store the resulting temperature field.

  • matCond – a map containing the ID’s for each material and their corresponding thermal conductivities.

  • sideBC – a string specifying the boundary conditions on the sides of the domain (should be ‘periodic’ or ‘symmetric’).

  • solverType – a string specifying the iterative solver used in the simulation (should be ‘conjugateGradient’ or ‘bicgstab’).

  • dir – a char specifying which direction to run the simulation in (should be ‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘z’).

  • solverTol – a double specifying the convergence criterion for the iterative solver used.

  • solverMaxIt – an integer specifying the maximum number of iterations the solver may execute before exiting.

  • print – a boolean which specifies whether the the number of iterations and residual are printed after each iteration of the solver.

  • numThreads – an integer which specifies the number of threads used for the simulation.

puma::Vec3<double> compute()

computes the thermal conductivity using the parameters specified when constructing the object.


a puma vector containing the thermal conductivity in the x, y, and z directions.