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The objective of this notebook is to familiarize new users with the main datastructures that stand at the basis of the PuMA project, and outline the functions to compute material properties (please refer to these papers (1, 2) for more details on the software).

Installation setup and imports

The first code block will execute the necessary installation and package import.

If you are running this jupyter notebook locally on your machine, assuming you have already installed the software, then the installation step will be skipped

[ ]:
# for interactive slicer
%matplotlib widget
import numpy as np
import pumapy as puma
import os

    from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
    display = Display(visible=0, size=(600, 400))
    display.start()  # necessary for pyvista interactive plots
    notebook = True

    notebook = False  # when running locally, actually open pyvista window


In this tutorial we demonstrate the use of the compute_elasticity and compute_stress_analysis functions. These functions rely on a stress analysis solver that uses the finite volume Multi-Point Stress Approximation (MPSA) method.

We will run four different verification cases. Change the path of the file outputs:

[ ]:
export_path = "out"  # CHANGE THIS PATH

if not os.path.exists(export_path):

MPSA Elasticity

Example: characterizing periodic square cylinder array

In this example we compute the 6x6 C tensor for a square array of cylinders and show how to convert this tensor into its mechanical properties (Young’s moduli, Poison’s ratios, Shear moduli). The results match with what is reported in this paper.

[ ]:
dim = 50
ws = puma.generate_cylinder_square_array(dim, 0.44)
ws.matrix = np.repeat(ws.matrix, 5, axis=2)
puma.render_volume(ws, notebook=notebook)

mat_elast = puma.experimental.ElasticityMap()
mat_elast.add_isotropic_material((0, 0), 68.3, 0.3)
mat_elast.add_isotropic_material((1, 1), 379.3, 0.1)
[ ]:
solver = "bicgstab"

C = np.zeros((6, 6))
C[:, 0], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='x', side_bc='p', solver_type=solver)
puma.experimental.warp_elasticity_fields(ws, u, s, t, scale_factor=10, xy_view=True, notebook=notebook)
[ ]:
C[:, 1], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='y',  side_bc='p', solver_type=solver)
C[:, 2], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='z',  side_bc='p', solver_type=solver)
C[:, 3], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='yz', side_bc='p', solver_type=solver)
C[:, 4], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='xz', side_bc='p', solver_type=solver)
C[:, 5], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='xy', side_bc='p', solver_type=solver)
puma.experimental.warp_elasticity_fields(ws, u, s, t, scale_factor=10, xy_view=True, notebook=notebook)
[ ]:
coeffs = puma.experimental.get_E_nu_from_elasticity(C)

Example: harmonic averaging, in series along x with free sides

We now run a block of material split into two phases with different properties.

[ ]:
export_name = 'halfmat'
X = 20
Y = 22
Z = 22
ws = puma.Workspace.from_shape_value((X, Y, Z), 1)
ws[int(X / 2):] = 2
ws[:, [0, -1]] = 0  # air voxels
ws[:, :, [0, -1]] = 0

puma.render_volume(ws, solid_color=(255,255,255), notebook=notebook, style='edges', cmap='jet')

We can assign the elasticity of the two materials and compute the resulting overall elasticity of the two phases combined as follows:

[ ]:
elast_map = puma.experimental.ElasticityMap()
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((0, 0), 1e-5, 0.3)  # N.B. air has to be assigned a very low Young modulus, not exactly zero
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((1, 1), 200, 0.3)
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((2, 2), 400, 0.1)

In this example, we use the compute_elasticity function, which is useful specifically to compute the homogenized (or effective) elasticity of a multi-phase material. This function imposes a unit displacement along the direction specified by holding the last slice of voxels in place with dirichlet boundary conditions. The side boundary conditions can be set as either ‘p’eriodic or ‘s’ymmetric.

[ ]:
C, u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, elast_map, direction='x', side_bc='p', solver_type="direct")

Now we can visualize the displacement and stress fields as:

[ ]:
puma.experimental.warp_elasticity_fields(ws[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], u[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], s[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], t[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], 20, show_original=0.,
                            show_edges=False, notebook=notebook)

Finally, we can export all of this data (domain, displacement, direct stress, shear stress) in a single .vti file as:

[ ]:
puma.experimental.export_elasticity_fields_vti(os.path.join(export_path, export_name), ws, u, s, t)

Example: full built-in beam

This case is for a fully built-in homogeneous beam with a y displacement in the middle. Because of the symmetry of this case, we only model half of it.

[ ]:
export_name = 'builtinbeam'
X = 100
Y = 12
Z = 12
ws = puma.Workspace.from_shape_value((X, Y, Z), 1)
ws.voxel_length = 1

ws[:, [0, -1]] = 0
ws[:, :, [0, -1]] = 0

puma.render_volume(ws, cutoff=(0, 255), solid_color=(255,255,255), style='edges', notebook=notebook)

We then run set its elasticity as:

[ ]:
elast_map = puma.experimental.ElasticityMap()
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((0, 0), 1e-5, 0.3)
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((1, 1), 200, 0.3)

Since we want to set a specific displacement, we need to have more control on the type of boundary conditions we set. This can be done by creating an ElasticityBC object as:

[ ]:
bc = puma.experimental.ElasticityBC(ws)
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 0] = 0  # dirichlet displacement to zero on the x -ve face
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 1] = 0
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 2] = 0
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 0] = 0   # dirichlet x and z displacements to zero on x +ve face
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 1] = -1  # dirichlet y displacement of -1 on x +ve face
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 2] = 0
[ ]:
u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_stress_analysis(ws, elast_map, bc, side_bc='s', solver_type="bicgstab")
[ ]:
puma.experimental.warp_elasticity_fields(ws[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], u[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], s[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], t[:, 1:-1, 1:-1], 20, show_original=0., show_edges=False, xy_view=True, notebook=notebook)
[ ]:
puma.experimental.export_elasticity_fields_vti(os.path.join(export_path, export_name), ws, u, s, t)

Example: plate with a hole

In this example, we model a plate with a hole in the middle pulled in the x direction by an input displacement.

[ ]:
export_name = 'platehole'
X = 100
Y = 102
Z = 3
ws = puma.Workspace.from_shape_value((X, Y, Z), 1)
ws.voxel_length = 1

ws[:, [0, -1]] = 0
ws[:, :, [0, -1]] = 0

# creating circular hole
mask = np.ones((X, Y, Z), dtype=bool)
mask[X//2, Y//2] = 0
from scipy import ndimage as nd
distance_mask = nd.morphology.distance_transform_edt(mask)
max_distance = np.max(distance_mask)
distance_mask_display = (distance_mask*255./max_distance).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
in_range = distance_mask <= 35  # this sets how big is the hole with a threshold
ws[in_range] = 0

puma.render_volume(ws.matrix[:, :, 1:2])

# setting material
elast_map = puma.experimental.ElasticityMap()
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((0, 0), 1e-5, 0.3)
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((1, 1), 200, 0.3)

# setting dirichlet boundary conditions
bc = puma.experimental.ElasticityBC(ws)
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 0] = 0
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 1] = 0
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 2] = 0
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 0] = 1
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 1] = 0
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 2] = 0

u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_stress_analysis(ws, elast_map, bc, side_bc='s', solver_type="bicgstab")
[ ]:
u[ws.matrix == 0] = 0  # set air to zero
puma.experimental.warp_elasticity_fields(ws[:, 1:-1, 1:2], u[:, 1:-1, 1:2], s[:, 1:-1, 1:2], t[:, 1:-1, 1:2], 5, show_original=0., show_edges=False, xy_view=True, rm_id=0, notebook=notebook)
[ ]:
puma.experimental.export_elasticity_fields_vti(os.path.join(export_path, export_name), ws, u, s, t)

Example: cracked plate

In this example, we model a plate with a single row of voxels removed, mimicking a crack.

[ ]:
export_name = 'crackedplate'
X = 200
Y = 52
Z = 5
crack = 10
ws = puma.Workspace.from_shape_value((X, Y, Z), 1)
ws.voxel_length = 1
ws[X//2-1:X//2+1, -crack + 1:] = 0
ws[:, [0, -1]] = 0
ws[:, :, [0, -1]] = 0

elast_map = puma.experimental.ElasticityMap()
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((0, 0), 1e-5, 0.3)
elast_map.add_isotropic_material((1, 1), 200, 0.3)

bc = puma.experimental.ElasticityBC(ws)
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 0] = 0
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 1] = 0
bc.xfaces[0, :, :, 2] = 0
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 0] = 1
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 1] = 0
bc.xfaces[1, :, :, 2] = 0

u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_stress_analysis(ws, elast_map, bc, side_bc='s', solver_type="bicgstab")
[ ]:
u[ws.matrix == 0] = 0  # set air to zero
puma.experimental.warp_elasticity_fields(ws[:, 1:-1, 2:3], u[:, 1:-1, 2:3], s[:, 1:-1, 2:3], t[:, 1:-1, 2:3], 20, show_original=0., show_edges=False, xy_view=True, rm_id=0)
[ ]:
puma.experimental.export_elasticity_fields_vti(os.path.join(export_path, export_name), ws, u, s, t)

Finite Element Elasticity

An extra method to compute the elasticity was recently added, which leverages a Finite Element solver based on a Q1-Q1 Element-by-element implementation. To learn more about this method, please refer to the permeability tutorial. In order to use it, a user can simply run similar options as above, adding a flag specifying that the method to be used is ‘fe’. Some details on the solver:

  • Only periodic boundary conditions are currently available, so the side_bc flag is ignored

  • A matrix-free solution approach, which is slightly slower but very memory efficient, can be run when no local orientation is present (i.e. when the local phases are isotropic)

  • The ligher and faster ‘minres’ iterative solver can be used since the matrices that are assembled are symmetric

  • The simulation imposes a residual strain on the whole domain, rather than a unitary displacement gradient on the boundaries

[ ]:
dim = 50
ws = puma.generate_cylinder_square_array(dim, 0.44)
ws.matrix = np.repeat(ws.matrix, 5, axis=2)
puma.render_volume(ws, notebook=notebook)

mat_elast = puma.experimental.ElasticityMap()
mat_elast.add_isotropic_material((0, 0), 68.3, 0.3)
mat_elast.add_isotropic_material((1, 1), 379.3, 0.1)
[ ]:
solver = "minres"
C = np.zeros((6, 6))
C[:, 0], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='x',  solver_type=solver, method='fe')
C[:, 1], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='y',  solver_type=solver, method='fe')
C[:, 2], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='z',  solver_type=solver, method='fe')
C[:, 3], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='yz', solver_type=solver, method='fe')
C[:, 4], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='xz', solver_type=solver, method='fe')
C[:, 5], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='xy', solver_type=solver, method='fe')
[ ]:
coeffs = puma.experimental.get_E_nu_from_elasticity(C)

Example: FiberForm elasticity

Now let’s compute the elasticity of FiberForm

[ ]:
ws = puma.import_3Dtiff(puma.path_to_example_file("200_fiberform.tif"), 1.3e-6)  # import example file

# scale down domain to speed up computations
ws.rescale(0.25, segmented=False)

# compute orientation
puma.compute_orientation_st(ws, cutoff=(90, 255), sigma=0.7, rho=1.4)

# threshold it to binary, 0=void 1=fibers
ws.binarize_range((90, 255))

# remove floating voxels, unconnected in a specific direction, since they would create singularities
ws = puma.experimental.remove_rbms(ws, 0, 'x')

# visualize it
puma.render_volume(ws, cutoff=(1, ws.max()), cmap='jet', style='edges', notebook=notebook)

# assign material
mat_elast = puma.experimental.ElasticityMap()
mat_elast.add_isotropic_material((0, 0), 1e-5, 0)
mat_elast.add_material_to_orient((1, 1), 10, 8, 0.3, 0.3, 5)
[ ]:
C = np.zeros((6, 6))
C[:, 0], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='x', solver_type='minres', method='fe')
u[ws.matrix == 0] = 0  # set air to zero, i.e. no displacement
puma.experimental.warp_elasticity_fields(ws, u, s, t, scale_factor=1, notebook=notebook)
[ ]:
C[:, 1], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='y', solver_type='minres', method='fe')
C[:, 2], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='z', solver_type='minres', method='fe')
C[:, 3], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='yz', solver_type='minres', method='fe')
C[:, 4], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='xz', solver_type='minres', method='fe')
C[:, 5], u, s, t = puma.experimental.compute_elasticity(ws, mat_elast, direction='xy', solver_type='minres', method='fe')
[ ]:
coeffs = puma.experimental.get_E_nu_from_elasticity(C)
[ ]: