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Run this jupyter tutorial in Binder

Microstructure Generation

The objective of this notebook is to familiarize new users with the main datastructures that stand at the basis of the PuMA project, and outline the functions to compute material properties (please refer to these papers (1, 2) for more details on the software).

Installation setup and imports

The first code block will execute the necessary installation and package import.

If you are running this jupyter notebook locally on your machine, assuming you have already installed the software, then the installation step will be skipped

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# for interactive slicer
%matplotlib widget
import pumapy as puma
import os

    from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
    display = Display(visible=0, size=(600, 400))
    display.start()  # necessary for pyvista interactive plots
    notebook = True

    notebook = False  # when running locally, actually open pyvista window


Generating Fiber Structures

In this part of the tutorial we demonstrate how to generate a microstructure of random intersecting fibers

There are three types of random fiber structures that can be generated: 1. fully isotropic fibers 2. transverse isotropic fibers 3. 1D fiber structures

Each of these fiber structures has a separate function call. Below we will demonstrate the generation of each of these fiber types:

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size = (200, 200, 200)  # size of the domain, in voxels.
radius = 8  # radius of the fibers to be generated, in voxels
nFibers = None  # Can specify either the number of fibers or the porosity
porosity = 0.8  # porosity of the overall structure
length = 200 # Length of the fibers to be generated
max_iter = 3  # optional (default=3), iterations to refine the porosity
allow_intersect = True  # optional (default=True), allow intersection betweem the fibers: if equal to False, the function runs considerably more slowly because
                        # randomly proposed fibers are rejected if they intersect any other fiber - use with relatively high porosity for reasonable runtimes
segmented = True  # assign unique IDs to each fiber (if set to False, range will be from 0-255)

ws_fibers_isotropic = puma.generate_random_fibers_isotropic(size, radius, nFibers, porosity, length, allow_intersect=allow_intersect, segmented=segmented)

direction = 'z' # Direction orthogonal to the fibers. For example, 'z' means fibers are oriented in the XY plane.
variation = 0  # Variability for the angle, relative to the XY plane. Should be between 0 and 90.

ws_fibers_trans_iso = puma.generate_random_fibers_transverseisotropic(size, radius, nFibers, porosity, direction, variation, length,
                                                                      allow_intersect=allow_intersect, segmented=segmented)

direction = 'z' # Direction of the 1D fibers.
ws_fibers_1D = puma.generate_random_fibers_1D(size, radius, nFibers, porosity, direction, length, allow_intersect=allow_intersect, segmented=segmented)

The material is now stored in the puma workspace, ws_fibers. By default, the grayscale value of 0 is assigned to the void space and a grayscale value of 1 is assigned to the material.

Next we will visualize the domain:

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# visualizing the solid domain
puma.render_volume(ws_fibers_isotropic, cutoff=(1, ws_fibers_isotropic.max()), solid_color=None, cmap='jet', notebook=notebook)
puma.render_volume(ws_fibers_trans_iso, cutoff=(1, ws_fibers_trans_iso.max()), solid_color=None, cmap='jet', notebook=notebook)
puma.render_volume(ws_fibers_1D, cutoff=(1, ws_fibers_1D.max()), solid_color=None, cmap='jet', notebook=notebook)

If you would like to visualize the individual slices, this can be done using the plot_slices function

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Generating Random Sphere Structures

In this tutorial we demonstrate how to generate a microstructure of random intersecting spheres

We generate the sphere structure and store it into the PuMA workspace class.

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size = (400, 400, 400)  # size of the domain, in voxels.
diameter = 20  # diameter of the spheres to be generated, in voxels
porosity = 0.8  # porosity of the overall structure
allow_intersections = True # flag on whether to allow intersections between spheres.
segmented = True  # assign unique IDs to each sphere (if set to False, range will be from 0-255)
# Note: If allow_intersections is set to false, it will be significantly slower to generate,
#       and will usually require a fairly high porosity value to be generated

ws_spheres = puma.generate_random_spheres(size, diameter, porosity, allow_intersections, segmented=segmented)

The material is now stored in the puma workspace, ws_spheres. By default, the grayscale range of [0,127] corresponds to the void space, and [128,255] contains the material.

Next we will visualize the domain:

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# visualizing the solid domain, contained in [128,255] grayscale range.
puma.render_volume(ws_spheres, cutoff=(1, ws_spheres.max()), cmap='jet', notebook=notebook)

Generating Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces

In this tutorial we demonstrate how to generate a TPMS microstructure

We generate the TPMS structure. There are three different equations that can be used in the TPMS generator:

Equation 0: grayscale value = q + sin(wx)sin(wy)sin(wz) + sin(wx)cos(wy)cos(wz) + cos(wx)sin(wy)cos(wz) + cos(wx)cos(wy)sin(wz)

Equation 1: grayscale value = q + cos(wx)sin(wy) + cos(wy)sin(wz) + cos(wi)*cos(wz)

Equation 2: grayscale value = q + cos(wx) + cos(wy) + cos(wz)

The values of w and q can either be provided as single values, or as a tuple. If a tuple is used, then the first and second values will be the minimum and maximum values for q and w, and the value will vary linearly between the two along the z-axis.

The value of w controls the pore diameter and the value of q controls the porosity

[ ]:
size = (400, 400, 400)  # size of the domain, in voxels.
w = 0.08  # value of w in the equations above
q = 0.2  # value of q in the equations above

ws_eq0 = puma.generate_tpms(size, w, q, equation=0, segmented=False)
ws_eq1 = puma.generate_tpms(size, w, q, equation=1, segmented=False)
ws_eq2 = puma.generate_tpms(size, w, q, equation=2, segmented=False)

The material is now stored in the puma workspace. By default, the grayscale range of [0,127] corresponds to the void space, and [128,255] contains the material.

Next we will visualize slices of the domains:

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Next, we will visualize the 3D domains. To render the domain, the grayscale range corresponding to the material must be specified. In this case, the range of [128,255] corresponds to the material.

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puma.render_contour(ws_eq0, cutoff=(128, 255), notebook=notebook)
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puma.render_contour(ws_eq1, cutoff=(128, 255), notebook=notebook)
[ ]:
puma.render_contour(ws_eq2, cutoff=(128, 255), notebook=notebook)

If you would like to segment the domain, that can be done using the binarize function, or the set_material_id function.

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# binarize(128) sets all grayscale values below 128 to 0, and all grayscale values above and equal to 128 to 1
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Generating Weaves

This section of the generation tutorial can only be run locally (not online in Binder) after installing puma using conda. This is because of the dependency on TexGen, which cannot be built online.

In this tutorial we demonstrate the creation of weaves using TexGen and how to import them into pumapy. TexGen python scrips can be simply obtained by either following TexGen tutorials or by recording the actions in the TexGen GUI (of which there are already (bundled executables for Windows)[https://sourceforge.net/projects/texgen/files/]).

Let’s start by creating a simple LayerToLayer weave using a TexGen python script.

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from TexGen.Core import *

NumBinderLayers = 2
NumXYarns = 3
NumYYarns = 4
XSpacing = 1.0
YSpacing = 1.0
XHeight = 0.2
YHeight = 0.2
weave = CTextileLayerToLayer(NumXYarns, NumYYarns, XSpacing, YSpacing, XHeight, YHeight, NumBinderLayers)

#set number of binder / warp yarns
NumBinderYarns = 2
NumWarpYarns = NumXYarns - NumBinderYarns

#setup layers: 3 warp, 4 weft
weave.SetupLayers( 3, 4, NumBinderLayers)

#set yarn dimensions: widths / heights

#define offsets for the two binder yarns
P = [[0, 1, 3, 0],[3, 0, 0, 3]]

#assign the z-positions to the binder yarns
for y in range(NumWarpYarns,NumXYarns): #loop through number of binder yarns
    offset = 0
    for x in range(NumYYarns): #loop through the node positions
            weave.SetBinderPosition(x, y, P[y-NumWarpYarns][offset])
            offset += 1

Next we create the domain, i.e. the lengths of the box containing the weave. In this case we will let TexGen figure it out automatically using the AssignDefaultDomain function:

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domain = weave.GetDefaultDomain()

Now we need to specify a folder to export our TexGen weave

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export_path = "out"  # CHANGE THIS PATH

if not os.path.exists(export_path):

Then, we pass the weave and the domain to the PuMApy exporter, which creates the voxel grid and exports it to the specified directory (expensive step ~1.5-2 mins):

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puma.export_weave_vtu(os.path.join(export_path, "weavetest"), weave, domain, 200)

This can be then read back into a pumapy.Workspace:

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ws = puma.import_weave_vtu(os.path.join(export_path, "weavetest_200"))

And we can volume render it:

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puma.render_volume(ws, cutoff=(1, ws.matrix.max()), solid_color=None, notebook=notebook, cmap='jet')
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