Source code for pumapy.generation.pitting

from pumapy.utilities.workspace import Workspace
from pumapy.utilities.timer import Timer
from pumapy.material_properties.volume_fraction import compute_volume_fraction
import numpy as np
from pumapy.utilities.logger import print_warning
import random
import sys

[docs]def generate_pitting(workspace, surface_threshold, mean_radius, deviation_radius, volume_fraction_removed, max_pits=10000): """ Generation of pitting into existing workspace :param workspace: pumapy workspace to add pitting to :type workspace: pumapy.Workspace :param surface_threshold: threshold value at which the solid starts. Void phase is contained in (0,surface_threshold-1) :type surface_threshold: int :param mean_radius: mean radius of the pits :type mean_radius: float :param deviation_radius: deviation in the radius of the pits (plus or minus) :type deviation_radius: float :param volume_fraction_removed: volume fraction to be removed by pits :type volume_fraction_removed: float :param max_pits: maximum number of pits. To ensure while(true) condition doesn't occur if specified volume_fraction can't be reached :type max_pits: int :return: None :rtype: None :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> shape = (200, 200, 200) # size of the domain, in voxels. >>> w = 0.08 # value of w in the equations above >>> q = 0.2 # value of q in the equations above >>> ws_eq0 = puma.generate_tpms(shape, w, q, equation=0, segmented=False) Generating TPMS ... >>> surface_threshold = 128 # threshold value at which the solid starts. Void phase is contained in (0,surface_threshold-1) >>> mean_radius = 4 # Mean radius of the pits, in voxels >>> deviation_radius = 3 # Deviation of the pits, in voxels >>> volume_fraction_removed = 0.01 # Volume fraction of the pits to be removed >>> puma.experimental.generate_pitting(ws_eq0, surface_threshold, mean_radius, deviation_radius, volume_fraction_removed) Volume Fraction for cutoff ... >>> # puma.render_contour(ws_eq0, (128,255)) # to visualize it """ pitter = GeneratorPits(workspace, surface_threshold, mean_radius, deviation_radius, volume_fraction_removed, max_pits) pitter.error_check() pitter.log_input() pitter.generate() pitter.log_output()
[docs]class GeneratorPits: def __init__(self, workspace, surface_threshold, mean_radius, deviation_radius, volume_fraction_removed, max_pits): self._workspace = workspace self._surface_threshold = surface_threshold self._mean_radius = mean_radius self._deviation_radius = deviation_radius self._volume_fraction_removed = volume_fraction_removed self._max_pits = max_pits
[docs] def generate(self): t = Timer() # creating a buffer around the domain buflength = (self._mean_radius + self._deviation_radius) * 2 + 1 # size of buffer around the domain new_x_length = self._workspace.matrix.shape[0] + 2 * buflength new_y_length = self._workspace.matrix.shape[1] + 2 * buflength new_z_length = self._workspace.matrix.shape[2] + 2 * buflength mat_copy = np.zeros((new_x_length,new_y_length,new_z_length)) mat_copy[buflength:new_x_length-buflength,buflength:new_y_length-buflength,buflength:new_z_length-buflength] = self._workspace.matrix ## Determining all of the surface voxels tmp1 = np.where(mat_copy < self._surface_threshold, 0, 1) sums = (np.roll(tmp1, shift=1, axis=0) + np.roll(tmp1, shift=-1, axis=0) + np.roll(tmp1, shift=1, axis=1) + np.roll(tmp1, shift=-1, axis=1) + np.roll(tmp1, shift=1, axis=2) + np.roll(tmp1, shift=-1, axis=2)) mask=np.zeros(sums.shape) mask[sums < 6] = 1 mask[tmp1 == 0] = 0 mask[[buflength, new_x_length - buflength - 1], :, :] = 0 mask[:, [buflength, new_y_length - buflength - 1], :] = 0 mask[:, :, [buflength, new_z_length - buflength - 1]] = 0 indices = np.argwhere(mask == 1) print(indices.shape) if indices.size == 0: print_warning("No internal surfaces found. Please check threshold value") return # Determining what volume fraction we want to target in the while loop vf_previous = compute_volume_fraction(self._workspace, (0, self._surface_threshold-1)) vf = vf_previous vf_target = vf_previous + self._volume_fraction_removed my_iteration = 0 while vf < vf_target: # Each iteration here is one pit # choosing a random surface voxel random_index = indices[random.randint(0,indices.shape[0]-1)] # calculate the gradient - outward facing normal # grad phi / | grad phi | - outward facing normal # choose a random radius based on the deviation given # change this to a pdf sampling if you want radius = self._mean_radius + random.randint(-self._deviation_radius, self._deviation_radius) # creating a sphere shape_val = int(radius * 2 + 2) if shape_val % 2 == 0: shape_val += 1 half_shape_val = int(shape_val/2) shape = (shape_val,shape_val,shape_val) point = np.array([shape_val/2., shape_val/2., shape_val/2.]) dist = np.linalg.norm(np.indices(shape) - point[:, None, None, None], axis=0) sphere = (255. - 127.5 * (1 + np.tanh((dist - radius)))) sphere[sphere < 127.5] = 1 sphere[sphere > 127.5] = 0 # putting the sphere into the buffered matrix mat_copy[random_index[0] - half_shape_val : random_index[0] + half_shape_val + 1, random_index[1] - half_shape_val: random_index[1] + half_shape_val + 1, random_index[2] - half_shape_val: random_index[2] + half_shape_val + 1,] *= sphere # calculating how much material we removed vf = compute_volume_fraction(mat_copy[buflength:new_x_length-buflength,buflength:new_y_length-buflength,buflength:new_z_length-buflength], (0, self._surface_threshold-1)) my_iteration += 1 sys.stdout.write("\r{0}".format("Iteration: " + str(my_iteration) + " Volume Fraction: " + str(vf) + " Volume Fraction Target: " + str(vf_target))) sys.stdout.flush() if my_iteration > self._max_pits : print_warning("Volume Fraction was not achieved. Maximum iterations reached. Check input parameters") break # Put the updated matrix back into the workspace removing the buffer self._workspace.matrix = mat_copy[buflength:new_x_length-buflength,buflength:new_y_length-buflength,buflength:new_z_length-buflength] print("\nPits generated in: " + str(t.elapsed()) + " seconds")
[docs] def log_input(self): self._workspace.log.log_section("Generating Pits") self._workspace.log.log_line("Domain Size: " + str(self._workspace.matrix.shape)) self._workspace.log.log_line("Surface Threshold: " + str(self._surface_threshold)) self._workspace.log.log_line("Mean Radius: " + str(self._mean_radius)) self._workspace.log.log_line("Deviation Radius: " + str(self._deviation_radius)) self._workspace.log.log_line("Volume Fraction: " + str(self._volume_fraction_removed)) self._workspace.log.write_log()
[docs] def log_output(self): self._workspace.log.log_section("Finished Generating Pits") self._workspace.log.write_log()
[docs] def error_check(self): if not isinstance(self._workspace, Workspace): raise Exception("Error, workspace must be passed") if not (isinstance(self._surface_threshold, float) or isinstance(self._surface_threshold, int)): raise Exception("Error, surface_threshold must be a float/int") if not (isinstance(self._mean_radius, float) or isinstance(self._mean_radius, int)): raise Exception("Error, mean_radius must be a float/int") if not (isinstance(self._deviation_radius, float) or isinstance(self._deviation_radius, int)): raise Exception("Error, deviation_radius must be a float/int") if not (isinstance(self._volume_fraction_removed, float)): raise Exception("Error, volume_fraction must be a float") if self._surface_threshold <= 0: raise Exception("Error, invalid surface_threshold, must be a positive value") if self._volume_fraction_removed < 0 or self._volume_fraction_removed > 1: raise Exception("Error, invalid volume_fraction, must be between 0 and 1 (likely << 1)") if self._mean_radius < 0: raise Exception("Error, invalid mean_radius, must be >0") if self._deviation_radius < 0 or self._deviation_radius >= self._mean_radius: raise Exception("Error, invalid deviation_radius, must be > 0 and < mean_radius") if self._volume_fraction_removed > compute_volume_fraction(self._workspace, (self._surface_threshold,int(1e5))): raise Exception("Error, volume fraction to be removed is larger that solid volume fraction")