Source code for

from TexGen.Core import *
import numpy as np
from os import path

[docs]def export_weave_vtu(filename, weave, domain, max_dim_nvox, round_vox_up=True, export_orientation=True): """ Exporting weave to vtu, to be read by pumapy :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param weave: weave object, as defined in TexGen :type weave: CTextile or child class of CTextile :param domain: domain size object, as defined in TexGen :type domain: CDomainPlanes :param max_dim_nvox: number of voxels to add in the largest domain dimension :type max_dim_nvox: int :param round_vox_up: for the shorter dimensions, round number of voxels up (for +/-1 vox) :type round_vox_up: bool :param export_orientation: specify whether to export orientation :type export_orientation: bool :return: filename of weave exported (input filename + dimensions) :rtype: string """ if not isinstance(domain, CDomainPlanes): raise Exception("Domain needs to be of CDomainPlanes type.") if not isinstance(filename, str): raise Exception("Filename has to be a string.") if not path.exists(path.split(filename)[0]): raise Exception("Directory " + path.split(filename)[0] + " not found.") min_bounds = XYZ() max_bounds = XYZ() domain.GetBoxLimits(min_bounds, max_bounds) weave.AssignDomain(CDomainPlanes(min_bounds, max_bounds)) lengths = np.array([max_bounds.x - min_bounds.x, max_bounds.y - min_bounds.y, max_bounds.z - min_bounds.z]) max_len = np.max(lengths) mask = np.zeros(3, dtype=bool) mask[lengths == max_len] = True voxel_length = max_len / float(max_dim_nvox) nvox = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) nvox[mask] = max_dim_nvox nvox[~mask] = (lengths[~mask] / voxel_length).astype(int) # truncates rem = np.zeros(3, dtype=float) rem[~mask] = lengths[~mask] - voxel_length * nvox[~mask] if round_vox_up: rem[~mask] = voxel_length - rem[~mask] max_bounds = XYZ(max_bounds.x + rem[0], max_bounds.y + rem[1], max_bounds.z + rem[2]) nvox[~mask] += 1 else: max_bounds = XYZ(max_bounds.x - rem[0], max_bounds.y - rem[1], max_bounds.z - rem[2]) weave.AssignDomain(CDomainPlanes(min_bounds, max_bounds)) mesh = CRectangularVoxelMesh() print("Exporting " + filename + ".vtu ... ", end='') filename += "_" + str(nvox[0]) + "_" + str(nvox[1]) + "_" + str(nvox[2]) mesh.SaveVoxelMesh(weave, filename, int(nvox[0]), int(nvox[1]), int(nvox[2]), False, export_orientation, MATERIAL_CONTINUUM, 0, VTU_EXPORT) print("Done") return filename