Source code for

from import imread
import numpy as np
import pickle
from pumapy.utilities.workspace import Workspace
from os import path
from glob import glob
from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy
from vtkmodules.vtkIOXML import vtkXMLImageDataReader, vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader
from vtkmodules.vtkIOLegacy import vtkDataSetReader

[docs]def io_logs(ws, filename, input=True): if input: s = ["Importing", "from "] else: s = ["Exporting", "to "] ws.log.log_section(s[0] + " Domain " + s[1] + filename) ws.log.write_log()
[docs]def import_3Dtiff(filename, voxel_length=1e-6, import_ws=True): """ Function to io 3D tiff :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param voxel_length: size of a voxel side :type voxel_length: float :param import_ws: if True returns a puma.Workspace, otherwise a ndarray :type import_ws: bool :return: domain :rtype: pumapy.Workspace or np.ndarray :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws_tiff = puma.import_3Dtiff(puma.path_to_example_file("50_artfibers.tif"), 1.3e-6, import_ws=True) Importing ... >>> ws_tiff.get_shape() (50, 50, 50) """ print("Importing " + filename + " ... ", end='') if not path.exists(filename): raise Exception("File " + filename + " not found.") nparray = imread(filename).astype(np.uint16) if nparray.ndim == 2: nparray = nparray[:, :, np.newaxis] nparray = nparray.transpose(1, 0, 2) else: nparray = nparray.transpose(2, 1, 0) print("Done") if import_ws: ws = Workspace.from_array(nparray) ws.set_voxel_length(voxel_length) io_logs(ws, filename) return ws return nparray
[docs]def import_bin(filename): """ Import a pumapy.Workspace to binary (.pumapy extension) :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :return: domain :rtype: pumapy.Workspace :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws_binary = puma.import_bin(puma.path_to_example_file("fibers_with_orientation.pumapy")) Importing ... """ print("Importing " + filename + " ... ", end='') if not path.exists(filename): raise Exception("File " + filename + " not found.") pumapy_file = open(filename, 'rb') ws = pickle.load(pumapy_file) pumapy_file.close() print("Done") io_logs(ws, filename) return ws
[docs]def import_vti(filename, voxel_length=None, import_ws=True): """ Function to import either legacy VTK file (.vtk) or vtkImageData (.vti) :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param voxel_length: voxel_length. If None, voxel_length from the vtk file is used :type voxel_length: float :param import_ws: True returns a puma.Workspace, otherwise a list of ndarrays :type import_ws: bool :return: if import_ws is True, then it returns a Workspace. if import_ws is False, it returns a dictionary of ndarrays as {"name1": data1, "name2": data2 ...} :rtype: pumapy.Workspace or {str: np.ndarray} :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws_vtk = puma.import_vti(puma.path_to_example_file("fibers_with_orientation.vti")) Importing ... """ print("Importing " + filename + " ... ", end='') if not path.exists(filename): raise Exception("File " + filename + " not found.") if filename[-4:] == ".vti": reader = vtkXMLImageDataReader() reader.SetFileName(filename) reader.Update() vtkobject = reader.GetOutput() elif filename[-4:] == ".vtk": reader = vtkDataSetReader() reader.SetFileName(filename) reader.ReadAllScalarsOn() reader.ReadAllColorScalarsOn() reader.ReadAllNormalsOn() reader.ReadAllTCoordsOn() reader.ReadAllVectorsOn() reader.Update() # reading vtkobject = reader.GetOutputDataObject(0) else: raise Exception("File of an unrecognized extension, only .vti and .vtk supported.") shape = vtkobject.GetDimensions() orientation = None if vtkobject.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays() == 0 and vtkobject.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays() == 0: raise Exception("No CELL_DATA or POINT_DATA arrays detected in file.") if import_ws: if vtkobject.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays() + vtkobject.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays() > 2: raise Exception("More than two arrays in file detected: set the import_ws to False to import it.") # checking for CELL_DATA if vtkobject.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays() > 0: if vtkobject.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays() == 1: # if one array, could either be orientation or matrix nparray = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArray(0)) if nparray.ndim == 2: # if orientation orientation = nparray.copy() nparray = None else: nparray = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArray(0)) orientation = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArray(1)) # checking for POINT_DATA else: if vtkobject.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays() == 1: # if one array, could either be orientation or matrix nparray = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetPointData().GetArray(0)) if nparray.ndim == 2: # if orientation orientation = nparray.copy() nparray = None else: nparray = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetPointData().GetArray(0)) orientation = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetPointData().GetArray(1)) if nparray is not None: nparray = nparray.reshape(shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, shape[2] - 1, order="F") if orientation is not None: orientation = orientation.reshape(shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, shape[2] - 1, 3, order="F") print("Done") if nparray is None: ws = Workspace.from_shape((shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, shape[2] - 1)) else: ws = Workspace.from_array(nparray) if orientation is not None: ws.set_orientation(orientation) if voxel_length is None: ws.set_voxel_length(vtkobject.GetSpacing()[0]) else: ws.set_voxel_length(voxel_length) io_logs(ws, filename) return ws else: nparray_list = dict() for i in range(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays()): tmp = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArray(i)) if tmp.ndim == 1: tmp = tmp.reshape(shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, shape[2] - 1, order="F") else: tmp = tmp.reshape(shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, shape[2] - 1, 3, order="F") nparray_list[vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArrayName(i)] = tmp for i in range(vtkobject.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()): tmp = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetPointData().GetArray(i)) if tmp.ndim == 1: tmp = tmp.reshape(shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, shape[2] - 1, order="F") else: tmp = tmp.reshape(shape[0] - 1, shape[1] - 1, shape[2] - 1, 3, order="F") nparray_list[vtkobject.GetPointData().GetArrayName(i)] = tmp print("Done") return nparray_list
[docs]def import_weave_vtu(filename, from_texgen_gui=False): """ Import TexGen vtu weave in a Workspace :param filename: file path and name :type filename: string :param from_texgen_gui: voxel grid exported from the TexGen GUI (Windows) or from TexGen inside PuMA :type from_texgen_gui: bool :return: voxelized weave from TexGen :rtype: pumapy.Workspace """ if not path.exists(filename): filename = glob(filename + '*.vtu') if len(filename) == 0: raise Exception("File " + filename + " not found.") else: filename = filename[0] print("Importing " + filename + " ... ", end='') reader = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader() reader.SetFileName(filename) reader.Update() # reading vtkobject = reader.GetOutputDataObject(0) dims = path.split(filename[:-4])[1].split('_')[-3:] yarn_index = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArray(0)) + 1 ws = Workspace.from_array(yarn_index.reshape(int(dims[0]), int(dims[1]), int(dims[2]), order="F")) if vtkobject.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays() >= 2: if from_texgen_gui: # ORIGINAL TEXGEN (GUI in Windows) # Number Of Arrays: 6 # Array 0 name = YarnIndex <-- transferring to ws # Array 1 name = YarnTangent (unnecessary) # Array 2 name = Location (unnecessary) # Array 3 name = VolumeFraction (unnecessary) # Array 4 name = SurfaceDistance (unnecessary) # Array 5 name = Orientation <-- transferring to ws orientation = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArray(5)) else: # MODIFIED TEXGEN wrapped in PuMA # Number Of Arrays: 6 # Array 0 name = YarnIndex <-- transferring to ws # Array 1 name = Orientation <-- depends on export_orientation in export_weave_vtu orientation = vtk_to_numpy(vtkobject.GetCellData().GetArray(1)) orientation = orientation.reshape(int(dims[0]), int(dims[1]), int(dims[2]), 3, order="F") ws.set_orientation(orientation) print("Done") io_logs(ws, filename) return ws
[docs]def import_scalar_field_from_chfem(filename, domain_shape, rotate_domain=True): """ Import scalar field (e.g. temperature, pressure) output from CHFEM_GPU CUDA kernels ( :param filename: file path and name of .bin file :type filename: string :param domain_shape: shape of domain for which the scalar field was generated :type domain_shape: (int, int, int) :param rotate_domain: rotate the domain to be in the same format as export :type rotate_domain: bool :return: scalar field (x,y,z) :rtype: np.ndarray """ converted_shape = (domain_shape[2], domain_shape[0], domain_shape[1]) chpack_domain = np.fromfile(filename).reshape(converted_shape) if rotate_domain: chpack_domain = np.rot90(chpack_domain, axes=(0, 1)) chpack_domain = np.rot90(chpack_domain, axes=(1, 2)) chpack_domain = np.rot90(chpack_domain, axes=(0, 1)) chpack_domain = np.rot90(chpack_domain, axes=(0, 1)) return chpack_domain
[docs]def import_vector_field_from_chfem(filename, domain_shape, rotate_domain=True, correct_direction=None): """ Import vector field (e.g. heat flux, displacement, velocity) output from CHFEM_GPU CUDA kernels ( :param filename: file path and name of .bin file :type filename: string :param domain_shape: shape of domain for which the scalar field was generated :type domain_shape: (int, int, int) :param rotate_domain: rotate the domain to be in the same format as export :type rotate_domain: bool :param correct_direction: correct orientation field according to simulation direction, expects 'x', 'y', or 'z' :type correct_direction: str :return: vector field (x,y,z,3) :rtype: np.ndarray """ chpack_domain = np.fromfile(filename, dtype=float) converted_shape = (domain_shape[2], domain_shape[0], domain_shape[1]) orientation = np.zeros(converted_shape + (3,)) orientation[:, :, :, 0] = chpack_domain[0::3].reshape(converted_shape) orientation[:, :, :, 1] = chpack_domain[1::3].reshape(converted_shape) orientation[:, :, :, 2] = chpack_domain[2::3].reshape(converted_shape) if correct_direction is not None: if correct_direction == 'x': orientation[:, :, :, 0] = orientation[:, :, :, 0] orientation[:, :, :, 1] = - orientation[:, :, :, 1] orientation[:, :, :, 2] = - orientation[:, :, :, 2] elif correct_direction == 'y': orientation[:, :, :, 0] = - orientation[:, :, :, 0] orientation[:, :, :, 1] = orientation[:, :, :, 1] orientation[:, :, :, 2] = orientation[:, :, :, 2] elif correct_direction == 'z': orientation[:, :, :, 0] = - orientation[:, :, :, 0] orientation[:, :, :, 1] = orientation[:, :, :, 1] orientation[:, :, :, 2] = orientation[:, :, :, 2] if rotate_domain: orientation = np.rot90(orientation, axes=(0, 1)) orientation = np.rot90(orientation, axes=(1, 2)) orientation = np.rot90(orientation, axes=(0, 1)) orientation = np.rot90(orientation, axes=(0, 1)) return orientation
[docs]def import_stress_field_from_chfem(filename, domain_shape, rotate_domain=True): """ Import stress fields output from CHFEM_GPU CUDA kernels ( :param filename: file path and name of .bin file :type filename: string :param domain_shape: shape of domain for which the scalar field was generated :type domain_shape: (int, int, int) :param rotate_domain: rotate the domain to be in the same format as export :type rotate_domain: bool :return: direct stresses (x,y,z,3) and shear stresses (x,y,z,3) :rtype: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray) """ chpack_domain = np.fromfile(filename, dtype=float) converted_shape = (domain_shape[2], domain_shape[0], domain_shape[1]) sigma = np.zeros(converted_shape + (3,)) tau = np.zeros(converted_shape + (3,)) sigma[:, :, :, 0] = chpack_domain[0::6].reshape(converted_shape) sigma[:, :, :, 1] = chpack_domain[1::6].reshape(converted_shape) sigma[:, :, :, 2] = chpack_domain[2::6].reshape(converted_shape) tau[:, :, :, 0] = chpack_domain[3::6].reshape(converted_shape) tau[:, :, :, 1] = chpack_domain[4::6].reshape(converted_shape) tau[:, :, :, 2] = chpack_domain[5::6].reshape(converted_shape) if rotate_domain: sigma = np.rot90(sigma, axes=(0, 1)) sigma = np.rot90(sigma, axes=(1, 2)) sigma = np.rot90(sigma, axes=(0, 1)) sigma = np.rot90(sigma, axes=(0, 1)) tau = np.rot90(tau, axes=(0, 1)) tau = np.rot90(tau, axes=(1, 2)) tau = np.rot90(tau, axes=(0, 1)) tau = np.rot90(tau, axes=(0, 1)) return sigma, tau
[docs]def import_sparta_implicit_surfaces(filename, dimension=3, voxel_length=1e-6, import_ws=True, extend_to_boundary=True): """ Function to io sparta implicit surfaces :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param dimension: dimensionality of imported sparta structure :type dimension: int :param voxel_length: size of a voxel side :type voxel_length: float :param import_ws: if True returns a puma.Workspace, otherwise a ndarray :type import_ws: bool :param extend_to_boundary: if True recreates nonzero boundary values as extension of inner structure, otherwise all boundary values equal zero :type extend_to_boundary: bool :return: domain :rtype: pumapy.Workspace or np.ndarray :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws = puma.import_bin(puma.path_to_example_file("fibers_with_orientation.pumapy")) Importing ... >>> puma.experimental.export_sparta_implicit_surfaces("surfaces", ws) Exporting ... >>> surf = puma.experimental.import_sparta_implicit_surfaces("surfaces.pumapy.isurf", dimension=3, voxel_length=1.0e-6, import_ws=False) Importing ... """ print("Importing " + filename + " ... ", end='') if not path.exists(filename): raise Exception("File " + filename + " not found.") if dimension not in [2, 3]: raise Exception("Dimension must be 2 or 3.") # read sparta binary file f = open(filename, 'r+b') b = bytearray( f.close() # 2D if dimension == 2: # extraxt domain size nx = b[0] ny = b[4] nz = 1 nparray = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)) # extract matrix for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): nparray[i,j] = b[8+i+nx*j] if extend_to_boundary: # extend border lines nparray[0,:] = nparray[1,:] nparray[nx-1,:] = nparray[nx-2,:] nparray[1:-1,0] = nparray[1:-1,1] nparray[1:-1,ny-1] = nparray[1:-1,ny-2] # extend corner points nparray[0,0] = 1/2*(nparray[1,0]+nparray[0,1]) nparray[nx-1,0] = 1/2*(nparray[nx-2,0]+nparray[nx-1,1]) nparray[0,ny-1] = 1/2*(nparray[1,ny-1]+nparray[0,ny-2]) nparray[nx-1,ny-1] = 1/2*(nparray[nx-2,ny-1]+nparray[nx-1,ny-2]) # 3D if dimension == 3: # extraxt domain size nx = b[0] ny = b[4] nz = b[8] nparray = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)) # extract matrix for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): for k in range(nz): nparray[i,j,k] = b[12+i+nx*j+nx*ny*k] if extend_to_boundary: # extend boundary faces nparray[0,:,:] = nparray[1,:,:] nparray[nx-1,:,:] = nparray[nx-2,:,:] nparray[:,0,1:-1] = nparray[:,1,1:-1] nparray[:,ny-1,1:-1] = nparray[:,ny-2,1:-1] nparray[:,1:-1,0] = nparray[:,1:-1,1] nparray[:,1:-1,nz-1] = nparray[:,1:-1,nz-2] # extend border lines nparray[1:-1,0,:] = nparray[1:-1,1,:] nparray[1:-1,ny-1,:] = nparray[1:-1,ny-2,:] nparray[1:-1,:,0] = nparray[1:-1,:,1] nparray[1:-1,:,nz-1] = nparray[1:-1,:,nz-2] # extend corner points nparray[0,0,0] = 1/3*(nparray[1,0,0]+nparray[0,1,0]+nparray[0,0,1]) nparray[nx-1,0,0] = 1/3*(nparray[nx-2,0,0]+nparray[nx-1,1,0]+nparray[nx-1,0,1]) nparray[0,ny-1,0] = 1/3*(nparray[1,ny-1,0]+nparray[0,ny-2,0]+nparray[0,ny-1,1]) nparray[nx-1,ny-1,0] = 1/3*(nparray[nx-2,ny-1,0]+nparray[nx-1,ny-2,0]+nparray[nx-1,ny-1,1]) nparray[0,0,nz-1] = 1/3*(nparray[1,0,nz-1]+nparray[0,1,nz-1]+nparray[0,0,nz-2]) nparray[nx-1,0,nz-1] = 1/3*(nparray[nx-2,0,nz-1]+nparray[nx-1,1,nz-1]+nparray[nx-1,0,nz-2]) nparray[0,ny-1,nz-1] = 1/3*(nparray[1,ny-1,nz-1]+nparray[0,ny-2,nz-1]+nparray[0,ny-1,nz-2]) nparray[nx-1,ny-1,nz-1] = 1/3*(nparray[nx-2,ny-1,nz-1]+nparray[nx-1,ny-2,nz-1]+nparray[nx-1,ny-1,nz-2]) print("Done") if import_ws: ws = Workspace.from_array(nparray) ws.set_voxel_length(voxel_length) io_logs(ws, filename) return ws return nparray