Source code for

import numpy as np
from import imsave
import pickle
from os import path
import json
import struct
import pyvista as pv
from pumapy.utilities.workspace import Workspace
from pumapy.utilities.logger import print_warning
from pumapy.utilities.isosurface import generate_isosurface
from import io_logs

[docs]def export_vti(filename, dict_data, voxel_length=None): """ Export either a puma.Workspace or numpy array to vti :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param dict_data: dictionary setup as {"name1": data1, "name2": data2 ...} containing either Workspaces or ndarrays :type dict_data: dict or Workspace or np.ndarray :param voxel_length: with voxel length to give to Numpy arrays (if any) :type voxel_length: float :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws_vtk = puma.import_vti(puma.path_to_example_file("fibers_with_orientation.vti")) Importing ... >>> puma.export_vti("fibers_with_orientation.vti", ws_vtk) Exporting ... """ # error path checks if not isinstance(filename, str): raise Exception("Filename has to be a string.") filename_split = path.split(filename) if filename_split[0] != '' and not path.exists(path.split(filename)[0]): raise Exception("Directory " + filename_split[0] + " not found.") if filename[-4:] != ".vti": filename += ".vti" print("Exporting " + filename + " ... ", end='') if isinstance(dict_data, dict): if len(dict_data) == 0: raise Exception("Dictionary is empty.") elif isinstance(dict_data, Workspace) or isinstance(dict_data, np.ndarray): dict_data = {"data": dict_data} else: raise Exception("Data to export to vti needs to be either a pumapy.Workspace or Numpy array or dictionary of them.") grid = pv.ImageData() dimensions = None for name, data in dict_data.items(): mat, orient = None, None if not (isinstance(data, Workspace) or isinstance(data, np.ndarray)): raise Exception("Data to export to vti needs to be either a pumapy.Workspace or Numpy array") if isinstance(data, Workspace): mat = data.matrix if data.orientation.shape[:3] == data.matrix.shape: orient = data.orientation dimensions = mat.shape[:3] if voxel_length is None: voxel_length = data.voxel_length else: if data.ndim == 2: data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=2) mat = data elif data.ndim == 3: mat = data elif data.ndim == 4 and data.shape[3] == 3: orient = data else: raise Exception("Numpy array has to be either 3D for scalars or 4D with shape[3]=3.") dimensions = data.shape[:3] if voxel_length is None: voxel_length = 1. grid.dimensions = np.array(dimensions) + 1 if mat is not None: grid.cell_data[name] = mat.flatten(order="F") if orient is not None: grid.cell_data[name + "_orient"] = orient.reshape(-1, 3, order='F') grid.spacing = [voxel_length] * 3 print("Done")
[docs]def export_3Dtiff(filename, ws_or_nparray, to8bit=True): """ Export either a puma.Workspace or numpy array to 3Dtiff :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param ws_or_nparray: to be exported :type ws_or_nparray: Workspace or ndarray :param to8bit: if True, it converts the image to 8bit, otherwise 16bit is exported :type to8bit: bool :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws_tiff = puma.import_3Dtiff(puma.path_to_example_file("50_artfibers.tif"), 1.3e-6, import_ws=True) Importing ... >>> puma.export_3Dtiff("50_artfibers.tif", ws_tiff) Exporting ... """ # error checks if filename[-4:] != '.tif' and filename[-5:] != '.tiff': filename += '.tif' if not isinstance(filename, str): raise Exception("Filename has to be a string.") filename_split = path.split(filename) if filename_split[0] != '' and not path.exists(path.split(filename)[0]): raise Exception("Directory " + filename_split[0] + " not found.") if isinstance(ws_or_nparray, Workspace): io_logs(ws_or_nparray, filename, input=False) data = ws_or_nparray.matrix.copy() elif isinstance(ws_or_nparray, np.ndarray): data = ws_or_nparray.copy() else: raise Exception("Data to export to 3Dtiff needs to be either a pumapy.Workspace or Numpy array") if to8bit: if data.max() > 255: print_warning("Data max is more than 255, normalizing to range 0-255.") data = data * 255. / data.max() data = data.astype(np.uint8) else: data = data.astype(np.uint16) print("Exporting " + filename + " ... ", end='') if data.ndim == 2: imsave(filename, data.transpose((1, 0)), check_contrast=False) else: imsave(filename, data.transpose((2, 1, 0)), check_contrast=False) print("Done")
[docs]def export_bin(filename, ws): """ Export a puma.Workspace to binary (.pumapy extension) :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param ws: to be exported :type: pumapy.Workspace :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws_binary = puma.import_bin(puma.path_to_example_file("fibers_with_orientation.pumapy")) Importing ... >>> puma.export_bin("fibers_with_orientation.vti", ws_binary) Exporting ... """ # error checks if filename[-7:] != ".pumapy": filename += '.pumapy' if not isinstance(filename, str): raise Exception("Filename has to be a string.") filename_split = path.split(filename) if filename_split[0] != '' and not path.exists(path.split(filename)[0]): raise Exception("Directory " + filename_split[0] + " not found.") if not isinstance(ws, Workspace): raise Exception("Data to export to bin needs to be a pumapy.Workspace") print("Exporting " + filename + " ... ", end='') output = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(ws, output) output.close() print("Done") io_logs(ws, filename, input=False)
[docs]def export_stl(filename, ws, cutoff, flag_closed_edges=True, flag_gaussian=False, binary=True): """ Export a puma.Workspace to STL :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param ws: to be exported :type ws: pumapy.Workspace :param cutoff: specify cutoff to binarize material :type cutoff: (int, int) :param flag_closed_edges: close the surface edges on the boundaries :type flag_closed_edges: bool :param flag_gaussian: apply Gaussian filter before creating surface :type flag_gaussian: bool :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws_imported = puma.import_3Dtiff(puma.path_to_example_file("200_fiberform.tif"), 1.3e-6) Importing ... >>> puma.export_stl('200_fiberform', ws_imported, cutoff=(100, 255), flag_closed_edges=True) Exporting ... """ # error checks if filename[-4:] != ".stl": filename += '.stl' if not isinstance(filename, str): raise Exception("Filename has to be a string.") filename_split = path.split(filename) if filename_split[0] != '' and not path.exists(path.split(filename)[0]): raise Exception("Directory " + filename_split[0] + " not found.") if not isinstance(ws, Workspace): raise Exception("Data to export to stl needs to be a pumapy.Workspace") print("Exporting " + filename + " ... ", end='') mesh = generate_isosurface(ws, cutoff, flag_closed_edges, flag_gaussian), binary) print("Done") io_logs(ws, filename, input=False)
[docs]def export_for_chfem(filename, ws, analysis, solver=0, export_nf=True, export_json=True, tol=1.e-6, max_iter=10000): """ Export a puma.Workspace to run an analysis in CHFEM_GPU CUDA kernels ( or CHPACK Julia package ( :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param ws: to be exported :type ws: pumapy.Workspace :param type_of_analysis: 0 = conductivity, 1 = elasticity, 2 = permeability :type type_of_analysis: int :param type_of_solver: 0 = pcg (default), 1 = cg, 2 = minres :type type_of_solver: int :param export_nf: export .nf file with simulations inputs for CHFEM_GPU :type export_nf: bool :param export_json: export .json file with simulations inputs for CHFPACK :type export_json: bool :param tol: solver tolerance for simulation :type tol: float :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations :type max_iter: int :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws = puma.import_3Dtiff(puma.path_to_example_file("200_fiberform.tif"), 1.3e-6) Importing ... >>> puma.export_for_chfem('200_fiberform', ws, 2, tol=1e-6, max_iter=100000) """ domain = ws.matrix.astype(np.uint8) if filename[-4:] != '.raw': filename = filename + '.raw' materials = {} # Save image data in RAW format with open(filename, "bw") as file_raw: for k in range(domain.shape[2]): mat_i, cmat_i = np.unique(domain[:, :, k], return_counts=True) for i in range(len(mat_i)): if mat_i[i] in materials: materials[mat_i[i]] += cmat_i[i] else: materials[mat_i[i]] = cmat_i[i] (domain[:, :, k].T).tofile(file_raw) materials = dict(sorted(materials.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])) mat = np.array(list(materials.keys())) if analysis != 2: mat = np.vstack((mat, np.zeros((mat.shape[0]), dtype=int))).T else: mat = np.expand_dims(mat, axis=1) cmat = np.array(list(materials.values())) cmat = cmat * 100. / jdata = {} jdata["type_of_analysis"] = analysis jdata["type_of_solver"] = solver jdata["type_of_rhs"] = 0 jdata["voxel_size"] = ws.voxel_length jdata["solver_tolerance"] = tol jdata["number_of_iterations"] = max_iter jdata["image_dimensions"] = list(domain.shape) jdata["refinement"] = 1 jdata["number_of_materials"] = mat.shape[0] jdata["properties_of_materials"] = mat.tolist() jdata["volume_fraction"] = list(np.around(cmat, 2)) jdata["data_type"] = "uint8" if export_json: # Save image data in JSON format with open(filename[:len(filename) - 4] + ".json", 'w') as file_json: json.dump(jdata, file_json, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) if export_nf: # Save image data in NF format with open(filename[:len(filename) - 4] + ".nf", 'w') as file_nf: sText = '' for k, v in jdata.items(): sText += '%' + str(k) + '\n' + str(v) + '\n\n' sText = sText.replace('], ', '\n') sText = sText.replace('[', '') sText = sText.replace(']', '') sText = sText.replace(',', '') file_nf.write(sText)
[docs]def export_sparta_implicit_surfaces(filename, ws): """ Export a puma.Workspace to binary (.pumapy extension) :param filename: filepath and name :type filename: string :param ws: to be exported :type ws: pumapy.Workspace :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> ws = puma.import_bin(puma.path_to_example_file("fibers_with_orientation.pumapy")) Importing ... >>> puma.experimental.export_sparta_implicit_surfaces("surfaces", ws) Exporting ... """ # error checks if filename[-7:] != ".pumapy.isurf": filename += '.pumapy.isurf' if not isinstance(filename, str): raise Exception("Filename has to be a string.") filename_split = path.split(filename) if filename_split[0] != '' and not path.exists(path.split(filename)[0]): raise Exception("Directory " + filename_split[0] + " not found.") if not isinstance(ws, Workspace): raise Exception("Data to export to bin needs to be a pumapy.Workspace") print("Exporting " + filename + " ... ", end='') # need to set boundary values equal to zero, using temporary matrix temp = ws.matrix # 2D if ws.len_z() == 1: for k in range(ws.len_z()): for j in range(ws.len_y()): for i in range(ws.len_x()): if i == 0 or i == ws.len_x() - 1 or j == 0 or j == ws.len_y() - 1: temp[i, j] = 0 xyz = struct.pack("2i", ws.len_x(), ws.len_y()) temp = temp.transpose(1,0,2) # 3D else: for k in range(ws.len_z()): for j in range(ws.len_y()): for i in range(ws.len_x()): if i == 0 or i == ws.len_x() - 1 or j == 0 or j == ws.len_y() - 1 or k == 0 or k == ws.len_z() - 1: temp[i, j, k] = 0 xyz = struct.pack("3i", ws.len_x(), ws.len_y(), ws.len_z()) temp = temp.transpose(2,1,0) b = bytearray(temp) b = b[::2] f = open(filename, 'w+b') f.write(xyz + b) f.close() print("Done") io_logs(ws, filename, input=False)