Source code for pumapy.material_properties.anisotropic_radiation

import pumapy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pumapy.utilities.workspace import Workspace

[docs]def compute_radiation_anisotropic(workspace, void_cutoff, sources_number, bin_density=10000, export_pathname=None): """ Compute the anisotropic radiative thermal conductivity through ray tracing :param workspace: domain :type workspace: pumapy.Workspace :param void_cutoff: specify the void phase :type void_cutoff: (int, int) :param sources_number: number of light sources spread randomly in the void space (i.e. 0) :type sources_number: int :param bin_density: number of bins used to create histogram of ray distances :type bin_density: int :param export_pathname: path to save curve plot of ray distance distribution :type export_pathname: str :return: extinction coefficient (beta), its standard deviation and of ray distances :rtype: (float, float, np.ndarray) """ rays_distances = np.zeros((sources_number, 3)) solver = AnisotropicRadiation(workspace, void_cutoff, sources_number, 'x', bin_density, export_pathname) solver.error_check() solver.log_input() rays_distances[:,0] = solver.compute() solver.log_output() solver = AnisotropicRadiation(workspace, void_cutoff, sources_number, 'y', bin_density, export_pathname) solver.error_check() solver.log_input() rays_distances[:,1] = solver.compute() solver.log_output() solver = AnisotropicRadiation(workspace, void_cutoff, sources_number, 'z', bin_density, export_pathname) solver.error_check() solver.log_input() rays_distances[:,2] = solver.compute() solver.log_output() beta, beta_std = compute_extinction_coefficients_anisotropic(workspace, rays_distances, sources_number, bin_density, export_pathname) return beta, beta_std, rays_distances
[docs]class AnisotropicRadiation: def __init__(self, workspace, void_cutoff, sources_number, direction, bin_density, export_plot): self.workspace = workspace self.matrix = np.copy(self.workspace.matrix) self.matrix[self.matrix < void_cutoff[0]] = 1e4 self.matrix[self.matrix <= void_cutoff[1]] = 0 self.matrix[self.matrix > void_cutoff[1]] = 1 self.indices_matrix = None self.boundary_indices = None self.void_cutoff = void_cutoff self.sources_number = sources_number self.bin_density = bin_density self.direction = direction self.export_pathname = export_plot self.X = None self.Y = None self.Z = None self.beta = [None, None, None] self.beta_std = [None, None, None] self.ray_distances = np.zeros(sources_number) self.ray_indices = None
[docs] def compute(self): if self.direction == 'x': self.matrix = np.swapaxes(self.matrix, 0, 2) elif self.direction == 'y': self.matrix = np.swapaxes(self.matrix, 1, 2) self.boundary_indices = np.array(np.where(self.matrix[:,:,0] == 0)) self.indices_matrix = np.array(np.where(self.matrix == 0)) self.ray_indices = np.random.randint(self.indices_matrix.shape[1], size=self.sources_number) for i in range(self.sources_number): start_pos = self.indices_matrix[:, self.ray_indices[i]] array_1d = self.matrix[start_pos[0], start_pos[1], start_pos[2]:] length = np.argmax(array_1d > 0) self.ray_distances[i] += length while length == 0: self.ray_distances[i] += array_1d.shape[0] ray_index = np.random.randint(self.boundary_indices.shape[1]) start_pos = self.boundary_indices[:, ray_index] array_1d = self.matrix[start_pos[0], start_pos[1], :] length = np.argmax(array_1d > 0) self.ray_distances[i] += length return self.ray_distances
[docs] def error_check(self): if not isinstance(self.workspace, Workspace): raise Exception("Workspace must be a puma.Workspace.") else: self.X = self.workspace.matrix.shape[0] self.Y = self.workspace.matrix.shape[1] self.Z = self.workspace.matrix.shape[2] if np.count_nonzero(self.workspace.matrix == 0) == 0: raise Exception("All voxels are solid, cannot run radiation ray tracing.") if np.count_nonzero(self.workspace.matrix == 1) == 0: raise Exception("All voxels are void, cannot run radiation ray tracing.")
[docs] def log_input(self): self.workspace.log.log_section("Computing Radiation") self.workspace.log.log_line("Domain Size: " + str(self.workspace.get_shape())) self.workspace.log.log_line("Sources: " + str(self.sources_number)) self.workspace.log.write_log()
[docs] def log_output(self): self.workspace.log.log_section("Finished Radiation Simulation") self.workspace.log.log_line("Extinction coefficient beta: [" + str(self.beta[0]) + ' +/- ' + str(self.beta_std[0]) + ', ' + str(self.beta[1]) + ' +/- ' + str(self.beta_std[1]) + ', ' + str(self.beta[2]) + ' +/- ' + str(self.beta_std[2]) + ']') self.workspace.log.write_log()
[docs]def compute_extinction_coefficients_anisotropic(ws, rays_distances, sources_number, bin_density=10000, export_pathname=None): """ Compute the extinction coefficient based on the ray casting radiation simulation (this is normally a step inside the compute_radiation function) :param ws: domain :type ws: pumapy.Workspace :param rays_distances: rays distances, as output by compute_radiation function :type rays_distances: np.ndarray :param sources_number: number of light sources spread randomly in the void space (i.e. 0) :type sources_number: int :param bin_density: number of bins used to create histogram of ray distances :type bin_density: int :param export_pathname: path to save curve plot of ray distance distribution :type export_pathname: str :return: extinction coefficient (beta), its standard deviation :rtype: (float, float) """ print("\nComputing extinction coefficients ... ", end='') # splitting use the ray distances into bins (max ray distance in RayCasting is 2x the max cube diagonal) bins = np.linspace(0, np.sqrt(ws.len_x()**2 + ws.len_y()**2 + ws.len_z()**2), bin_density, dtype=float) bins_midpoints = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2. if export_pathname is not None: dirs = ['x', 'y', 'z'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(13, 4)) fig.tight_layout(pad=4, w_pad=3, h_pad=0) beta_out = [None, None, None] beta_std_out = [None, None, None] # binning the ray distances for dim in range(3): # probability density function of a ray travelling a certain distance pdf, _ = np.histogram(rays_distances[:, dim], bins=bins) pdf = pdf.astype(float) / np.sum(pdf) # integrating the pdf into a cdf cdf = np.cumsum(pdf) exp_curve_rays = 1. - cdf beta, cov = curve_fit(f=lambda x, b: np.exp(-b * x), xdata=bins_midpoints, ydata=exp_curve_rays) beta_std = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) exp_curve_fit = np.exp(-beta * bins) beta_out[dim] = beta[0] / ws.voxel_length beta_std_out[dim] = beta_std[0] / ws.voxel_length if export_pathname is not None: ax[dim].plot(bins_midpoints, exp_curve_rays, 'k-', label="Ray lengths " + dirs[dim]) ax[dim].plot(bins, exp_curve_fit, 'r-', label="Exp. fit " + dirs[dim]) ax[dim].set_xlim(0, 0.7 * np.sqrt(ws.len_x()**2 + ws.len_y()**2 + ws.len_z()**2)) ax[dim].set_ylim(0, 1) ax[dim].set_aspect(1./ax[dim].get_data_ratio()) ax[dim].set_xlabel("Ray length (voxels)") ax[dim].set_ylabel("I(s)/I_0") ax[dim].grid() ax[dim].legend(loc="upper right") ax[dim].set_title("beta: {:.1f} +/- {:.1f}".format(beta_out[dim], beta_std_out[dim])) if export_pathname is not None: fig.suptitle("Radiation simulation with {} sources" .format(sources_number)) fig.savefig(export_pathname) print("Done") print("Extinction coefficient (beta):") print("x: " + str(round(beta_out[0], 1)) + ' +/- ' + str(round(beta_std_out[0], 1))) print("y: " + str(round(beta_out[1], 1)) + ' +/- ' + str(round(beta_std_out[1], 1))) print("z: " + str(round(beta_out[2], 1)) + ' +/- ' + str(round(beta_std_out[2], 1))) return beta_out, beta_std_out