Source code for pumapy.material_properties.permeability

The following FE numerical method and implementation are based on the following research paper:

Lopes, P.C., Vianna, R.S., Sapucaia, V.W., Semeraro, F., Leiderman, R. and Pereira, A.M., 2023.
Simulation toolkit for digital material characterization of large image-based microstructures.
Computational Materials Science, 219, p.112021.
from pumapy.physics_models.finite_element.fe_permeability import Permeability

[docs]def compute_permeability(workspace, solid_cutoff, direction='xyz', tol=1e-8, maxiter=10000, solver_type='minres', display_iter=True, matrix_free=True, precondition=False, output_fields=True): """ Compute the permeability using first-order Q1-Q1 Finite Element solver and periodic BC on the sides. Note: the iterative solvers have been observed to struggle converging for some cases. This is often connected to having the preconditioner option as True. :param workspace: domain :type workspace: pumapy.Workspace :param solid_cutoff: specify the solid phase :type solid_cutoff: (int, int) :param direction: direction for solve ('xyz','x','y','z'). Note that if solver_type="direct", then the direction is considered as "xyz" automatically because there is no need to invert the A sparse matrix multiple times :type direction: str :param tol: tolerance for iterative solver :type tol: float :param maxiter: maximum Iterations for solver :type maxiter: int :param solver_type: solver type, options: 'minres' (default, only works if precondition=False), 'cg', 'direct' :type solver_type: string :param display_iter: display iteration in iterative solver :type display_iter: bool :param matrix_free: solve system using matrix-free method (True, recommended) or building the sparse A matrix (False) :type matrix_free: bool :param precondition: solve system with Jacobi preconditioner (True) or without (False, default because it reduces memory, but more iterations. The default minres iterative solver does not support this kind of preconditioner) :type precondition: bool :param output_fields: export velocity and pressure fields (True, default) or not (False, lower memory) :type output_fields: bool :return: effective permeability (3x3 matrix) and, if output_fields=True, the normalized velocity field for the corresponding direction (arranged as tuple of numpy.ndarrays, i.e. (ux, uy, uz). If output_fields=False, then (None, None, None) is output :rtype: numpy.ndarray, (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> import pyvista as pv >>> ws = puma.generate_random_fibers_transverseisotropic(shape=(50, 50, 50), radius=2, porosity=0.7, direction='x', variation=15, length=200, allow_intersect=True, segmented=True) Fibers created... >>> keff, (ux, _, _) = puma.compute_permeability(ws, (1, ws.max()), direction='x', tol=1e-7) Approximate memory requirement for simulation: ... >>> # p = pv.Plotter() # to visualize it >>> # puma.render_orientation(ux, add_to_plot=p, scale_factor=2e12, plot_directly=False) >>> # ws.voxel_length = 1 # the voxel_length is converted to 1 for plotting the workspace together with the velocity >>> # puma.render_volume(ws, cutoff=(1, ws.max()), add_to_plot=p, plot_directly=False, cmap='jet') >>> # """ solver = Permeability(workspace, solid_cutoff, direction, tol, maxiter, solver_type, display_iter, matrix_free, precondition, output_fields) solver.error_check() solver.log_input() solver.compute() solver.log_output() return solver.keff, (solver.ux,,