Source code for pumapy.physics_models.finite_element.fe_elasticity

The following FE numerical method and implementation are based on the following research paper:

Lopes, P.C., Vianna, R.S., Sapucaia, V.W., Semeraro, F., Leiderman, R. and Pereira, A.M., 2023.
Simulation toolkit for digital material characterization of large image-based microstructures.
Computational Materials Science, 219, p.112021.
from pumapy.utilities.timer import Timer
from pumapy.physics_models.utils.linear_solvers import PropertySolver
from pumapy.utilities.generic_checks import estimate_max_memory
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
import numpy as np

[docs]class ElasticityFE(PropertySolver): def __init__(self, workspace, elast_map, direction, tolerance, maxiter, solver_type, display_iter, matrix_free): allowed_solvers = ['minres', 'direct', 'bicgstab', 'gmres'] super().__init__(workspace, solver_type, allowed_solvers, tolerance, maxiter, display_iter) self.elast_map = elast_map self.matrix_free = matrix_free self.direction = direction self.voxlength = self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z = self.mat_elast = dict() self.need_to_orient = False # changes if (E_axial, E_radial, nu_poissrat_12, nu_poissrat_23, G12) detected if self.direction == 'x': self.axis = 0 elif self.direction == 'y': self.axis = 1 elif self.direction == 'z': self.axis = 2 elif self.direction == 'xy': self.axis = 5 elif self.direction == 'xz': self.axis = 4 else: self.axis = 3 self.Ceff = None self.u = None self.s = None self.t = None
[docs] def compute(self): t = Timer() estimate_max_memory("elasticity_fe",, self.solver_type, self.need_to_orient, mf=self.matrix_free) self.initialize() self.compute_rhs() self.assemble_Amatrix() print("Time to assemble matrices: ", t.elapsed()); t.reset() super().solve() print("Time to solve: ", t.elapsed()) self.compute_effective_coefficient() self.solve_time = t.elapsed()
[docs] def initialize(self): print("Initializing indexing matrices ... ", flush=True, end='') self.nElems = self.len_x * self.len_y * self.len_z self.nDOFs = self.nElems * 3 self.pElemDOFNum = np.zeros((24, self.nElems), dtype=np.uint32) self.nElemS = self.len_x * self.len_y nNodeS = (self.len_x + 1) * (self.len_y + 1) DOFMap = np.zeros((self.len_x + 1) * (self.len_y + 1) * (self.len_z + 1), dtype=int) # Segmenting domain according to elast_map for i in range(self.elast_map.get_size()): low, high, _ = self.elast_map.get_material(i)[np.logical_and( >= low, <= high)] = low # remap segmented domain and property map to start from 0 if not self.need_to_orient: keys, props = self.mat_elast.keys(), self.mat_elast.values() del self.mat_elast; self.mat_elast = dict() counter = 0 for key, prop in sorted(zip(keys, props)): self.mat_elast[counter] = prop[ == key] = counter counter += 1 self.elemMatMap = np.zeros(self.nElems, dtype=int) for k in range(self.len_z): for i in range(self.len_y): for j in range(self.len_x): self.elemMatMap[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y] =[j, i, k] if self.need_to_orient: self.elemMatMap_orient = np.zeros((self.nElems, 3), dtype=int) for k in range(self.len_z): for i in range(self.len_y): for j in range(self.len_x): self.elemMatMap_orient[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y] =[j, i, k] # compute self.m_K and self.m_B self.create_element_matrices(onlyB=False) for n in range(nNodeS * (self.len_z + 1)): i = n % nNodeS DOFMap[n] = (i - (i // (self.len_y + 1)) - self.len_y * ((i % (self.len_y + 1)) // self.len_y)) \ % self.nElemS + ((n // nNodeS) % self.len_z) * self.nElemS + 1 for e in range(self.nElems): N1 = 2 + e % self.nElemS + (e % self.nElemS) // self.len_y + e // self.nElemS * nNodeS - 1 N3 = N1 + self.len_y N2 = N3 + 1 N4 = N1 - 1 N5 = N1 + nNodeS N6 = N2 + nNodeS N7 = N3 + nNodeS N8 = N4 + nNodeS self.pElemDOFNum[0, e] = DOFMap[N1] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[1, e] = DOFMap[N1] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[2, e] = DOFMap[N1] * 3 - 1 self.pElemDOFNum[3, e] = DOFMap[N2] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[4, e] = DOFMap[N2] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[5, e] = DOFMap[N2] * 3 - 1 self.pElemDOFNum[6, e] = DOFMap[N3] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[7, e] = DOFMap[N3] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[8, e] = DOFMap[N3] * 3 - 1 self.pElemDOFNum[9, e] = DOFMap[N4] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[10, e] = DOFMap[N4] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[11, e] = DOFMap[N4] * 3 - 1 self.pElemDOFNum[12, e] = DOFMap[N5] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[13, e] = DOFMap[N5] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[14, e] = DOFMap[N5] * 3 - 1 self.pElemDOFNum[15, e] = DOFMap[N6] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[16, e] = DOFMap[N6] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[17, e] = DOFMap[N6] * 3 - 1 self.pElemDOFNum[18, e] = DOFMap[N7] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[19, e] = DOFMap[N7] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[20, e] = DOFMap[N7] * 3 - 1 self.pElemDOFNum[21, e] = DOFMap[N8] * 3 - 3 self.pElemDOFNum[22, e] = DOFMap[N8] * 3 - 2 self.pElemDOFNum[23, e] = DOFMap[N8] * 3 - 1 print("Done")
[docs] def compute_rhs(self): print("Creating b vector ... ", flush=True, end='') self.bvec = np.zeros(self.nDOFs, dtype=float) if not self.need_to_orient: for e in range(self.nElems):, self.pElemDOFNum[:, e], self.m_B[self.axis, :, self.elemMatMap[e]]) else: for e in range(self.nElems):, self.pElemDOFNum[:, e], self.m_B[self.axis, :, e]) del self.m_B print("Done")
[docs] def assemble_Amatrix(self): print("Creating A matrix ... ", flush=True, end='') y = np.zeros(self.nDOFs, dtype=float) if self.matrix_free and self.solver_type != 'direct' and not self.need_to_orient: def matvec(x): # overload matvec for Amat=LinearOperator - only for isotropic phases y.fill(0), self.pElemDOFNum, np.einsum("ijk, jk -> ik", self.m_K[:, :, self.elemMatMap], x[self.pElemDOFNum])) return y self.Amat = LinearOperator(shape=(self.nDOFs, self.nDOFs), matvec=matvec) else: # actually assemble sparse matrix range24 = np.arange(24) m_K_inds = (np.tile(range24, 24), np.repeat(range24, 24)) I, J = np.zeros((2, self.nElems * 576), dtype=np.uint32) V = np.zeros(self.nElems * 576, dtype=float) counter = 0 if self.need_to_orient: for e in range(self.nElems): I[counter:counter + 576] = np.repeat(self.pElemDOFNum[range24, e], 24) J[counter:counter + 576] = np.tile(self.pElemDOFNum[range24, e], 24) V[counter:counter + 576] = self.m_K[m_K_inds[0], m_K_inds[1], e] counter += 576 else: for e in range(self.nElems): I[counter:counter + 576] = np.repeat(self.pElemDOFNum[range24, e], 24) J[counter:counter + 576] = np.tile(self.pElemDOFNum[range24, e], 24) V[counter:counter + 576] = self.m_K[m_K_inds[0], m_K_inds[1], self.elemMatMap[e]] counter += 576 del self.m_K self.Amat = coo_matrix((V, (I, J))).tocsc() print("Done")
[docs] def compute_effective_coefficient(self): print("Computing stresses ... ", flush=True, end='') if self.matrix_free and self.solver_type != 'direct' and not self.need_to_orient: del self.m_K # compute self.m_B self.create_element_matrices(onlyB=True) self.u = np.zeros((self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, 3), dtype=float) for k in range(self.len_z): for i in range(self.len_y): for j in range(self.len_x): self.u[j, i, k, 0] = self.x[(i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y) * 3 - 3] self.u[j, i, k, 1] = self.x[(i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y) * 3 - 2] self.u[j, i, k, 2] = self.x[(i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y) * 3 - 1] t = np.zeros(24, dtype=float) if self.axis == 0: t[[3, 6, 15, 18]] = 1 elif self.axis == 1: t[[7, 10, 19, 22]] = 1 elif self.axis == 2: t[[14, 17, 20, 23]] = 1 elif self.axis == 3: t[[6, 9, 18, 21]] = 1 elif self.axis == 4: t[[12, 15, 18, 21]] = 1 elif self.axis == 5: t[[8, 11, 20, 23]] = 1 s_f = np.zeros((self.nElems, 3), dtype=float) t_f = np.zeros((self.nElems, 3), dtype=float) if not self.need_to_orient: for e in range(self.nElems): s_f[e, 0] += (self.m_B[0, :, self.elemMatMap[e]] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() s_f[e, 1] += (self.m_B[1, :, self.elemMatMap[e]] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() s_f[e, 2] += (self.m_B[2, :, self.elemMatMap[e]] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() t_f[e, 0] += (self.m_B[3, :, self.elemMatMap[e]] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() t_f[e, 1] += (self.m_B[4, :, self.elemMatMap[e]] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() t_f[e, 2] += (self.m_B[5, :, self.elemMatMap[e]] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() else: for e in range(self.nElems): s_f[e, 0] += (self.m_B[0, :, e] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() s_f[e, 1] += (self.m_B[1, :, e] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() s_f[e, 2] += (self.m_B[2, :, e] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() t_f[e, 0] += (self.m_B[3, :, e] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() t_f[e, 1] += (self.m_B[4, :, e] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() t_f[e, 2] += (self.m_B[5, :, e] * (t - self.x[self.pElemDOFNum[:, e]])).sum() self.s = np.zeros((self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, 3), dtype=float) self.t = np.zeros((self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, 3), dtype=float) for k in range(self.len_z): for i in range(self.len_y): for j in range(self.len_x): self.s[j, i, k, 0] = s_f[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y, 0] self.s[j, i, k, 1] = s_f[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y, 1] self.s[j, i, k, 2] = s_f[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y, 2] self.t[j, i, k, 0] = t_f[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y, 0] self.t[j, i, k, 1] = t_f[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y, 1] self.t[j, i, k, 2] = t_f[i + j * self.len_y + k * self.len_x * self.len_y, 2] self.Ceff = [self.s[:, :, :, 0].sum() / self.nElems, self.s[:, :, :, 1].sum() / self.nElems, self.s[:, :, :, 2].sum() / self.nElems, self.t[:, :, :, 0].sum() / self.nElems, self.t[:, :, :, 1].sum() / self.nElems, self.t[:, :, :, 2].sum() / self.nElems] print("Done")
[docs] def create_element_matrices(self, onlyB): if self.need_to_orient: if not onlyB: self.m_K = np.zeros((24, 24, self.nElems), dtype=float) self.m_B = np.zeros((6, 24, self.nElems), dtype=float) else: nMat = len(self.mat_elast) if not onlyB: self.m_K = np.zeros((24, 24, nMat), dtype=float) self.m_B = np.zeros((6, 24, nMat), dtype=float) k = np.zeros((24, 24), dtype=float) BC = np.zeros((6, 24), dtype=float) B = np.zeros((6, 24), dtype=float) C = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=float) if self.need_to_orient: KBiso_prev = dict() for e in range(self.nElems): cs = self.mat_elast[self.elemMatMap[e]] if len(cs) == 21: if self.elemMatMap[e] in KBiso_prev.keys(): if onlyB: self.m_B[:, :, e] = KBiso_prev[self.elemMatMap[e]] else: self.m_K[:, :, e], self.m_B[:, :, e] = KBiso_prev[self.elemMatMap[e]] continue C[:] = self.create_C(cs) else: C[:] = self.orient_C(cs, e) self.compute_element_stiffness(C, k, BC, B, e, onlyB) if len(cs) == 21: # store previously computed k,BC for isotropic phases if onlyB: KBiso_prev[self.elemMatMap[e]] = self.m_B[:, :, e] else: KBiso_prev[self.elemMatMap[e]] = self.m_K[:, :, e], self.m_B[:, :, e] else: for i_mat, mat_props in enumerate(self.mat_elast.values()): C[:] = self.create_C(mat_props) self.compute_element_stiffness(C, k, BC, B, i_mat, onlyB)
[docs] def create_C(self, cs): return np.array([[cs[0], cs[1], cs[2], cs[3], cs[4], cs[5]], [cs[1], cs[6], cs[7], cs[8], cs[9], cs[10]], [cs[2], cs[7], cs[11], cs[12], cs[13], cs[14]], [cs[3], cs[8], cs[12], cs[15], cs[16], cs[17]], [cs[4], cs[9], cs[13], cs[16], cs[18], cs[19]], [cs[5], cs[10], cs[14], cs[17], cs[19], cs[20]]])
[docs] def orient_C(self, cs, e): E1, E2, v12, v23, G12 = cs v21 = v12 * E2 / E1 delta = 1 - 2 * v12 * v21 - v23 * v23 - 2 * v21 * v12 * v23 C_init = np.array([[((1 - v23 * v23) * E1) / delta, (v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, (v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, 0, 0, 0], [(v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, ((1 - v12 * v21) * E2) / delta, ((v23 + v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, 0, 0, 0], [(v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, ((v23 + v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, ((1 - v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ((1 - v23 - 2 * v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2 * G12, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 * G12]]) # Rotation matrix theta = np.arctan2(self.elemMatMap_orient[e, 1], self.elemMatMap_orient[e, 0]) a21 = -np.sin(theta) a22 = np.cos(theta) beta = np.arcsin(self.elemMatMap_orient[e, 2]) a13 = np.sin(beta) a33 = np.cos(beta) a11 = a22 * a33 a12 = - a21 * a33 a31 = - a22 * a13 a32 = a21 * a13 a23 = 0 R = np.array([[a11 ** 2, a12 ** 2, a13 ** 2, a12 * a13, a11 * a13, a11 * a12], [a21 ** 2, a22 ** 2, a23, a23, a23, a21 * a22], [a31 ** 2, a32 ** 2, a33 ** 2, a32 * a33, a33 * a31, a31 * a32], [2 * a21 * a31, 2 * a32 * a22, a23, a22 * a33, a21 * a33, a21 * a32 + a22 * a31], [2 * a11 * a31, 2 * a12 * a32, 2 * a13 * a33, a32 * a13 + a33 * a12, a11 * a33 + a13 * a31, a31 * a12 + a32 * a11], [2 * a11 * a21, 2 * a12 * a22, a23, a13 * a22, a13 * a21, a11 * a22 + a12 * a21]]) return R.T @ C_init @ R
[docs] def compute_element_stiffness(self, C, k, BC, B, ind, onlyB): if not onlyB: k.fill(0) BC.fill(0) gauss_points = [0.21132486540518708, 0.78867513459481290] for zp in gauss_points: for yp in gauss_points: for xp in gauss_points: B[:] = np.array([[(-1+yp)*(1-zp), 0, 0, (1-yp)*(1-zp), 0, 0, yp*(1-zp), 0, 0, -yp*(1-zp), 0, 0, (-1+yp)*zp, 0, 0, (1-yp)*zp, 0, 0, yp*zp, 0, 0, -yp*zp, 0, 0], [0, (-1+xp)*(1-zp), 0, 0, -xp*(1-zp), 0, 0, xp*(1-zp), 0, 0, (1-xp)*(1-zp), 0, 0, (-1+xp)*zp, 0, 0, -xp*zp, 0, 0, xp*zp, 0, 0, (1-xp)*zp, 0], [0, 0, (-1+xp)*(1-yp), 0, 0, -xp*(1-yp), 0, 0, -xp*yp, 0, 0, (-1+xp)*yp, 0, 0, (1-xp)*(1-yp), 0, 0, xp*(1-yp), 0, 0, xp*yp, 0, 0, (1-xp)*yp], [(-1+xp)*(1-zp), (-1+yp)*(1-zp), 0, -xp*(1-zp), (1-yp)*(1-zp), 0, xp*(1-zp), yp*(1-zp), 0, (1-xp)*(1-zp), -yp*(1-zp), 0, (-1+xp)*zp, (-1+yp)*zp, 0, -xp*zp, (1-yp)*zp, 0, xp*zp, yp*zp, 0, (1-xp)*zp, -yp*zp, 0], [(-1+xp)*(1-yp), 0, (-1+yp)*(1-zp), -xp*(1-yp), 0, (1-yp)*(1-zp), -xp*yp, 0, yp*(1-zp), (-1+xp)*yp, 0, -yp*(1-zp), (1-xp)*(1-yp), 0, (-1+yp)*zp, xp*(1-yp), 0, (1-yp)*zp, xp*yp, 0, yp*zp, (1-xp)*yp, 0, -yp*zp], [0, (-1+xp)*(1-yp), (-1+xp)*(1-zp), 0, -xp*(1-yp), -xp*(1-zp), 0, -xp*yp, xp*(1-zp), 0, (-1+xp)*yp, (1-xp)*(1-zp), 0, (1-xp)*(1-yp), (-1+xp)*zp, 0, xp*(1-yp), -xp*zp, 0, xp*yp, xp*zp, 0, (1-xp)*yp, (1-xp)*zp]]) if not onlyB: k += B.T @ C @ B BC += C @ B if not onlyB: self.m_K[:, :, ind] = k * 0.125 self.m_B[:, :, ind] = BC * 0.125
[docs] def log_input(self):"Computing Elasticity")"Simulation direction: " + str(self.direction))"Domain Size: " + str("Elasticity Map: ") for i in range(self.elast_map.get_size()): low, high, cond = self.elast_map.get_material(i)" - Material " + str(i) + "[" + str(low) + "," + str(high) + "," + str(cond) + "]")"Solver Type: " + str(self.solver_type))"Solver Tolerance: " + str(self.tolerance))"Max Iterations: " + str(self.maxiter))
[docs] def log_output(self):"Finished Elasticity Calculation")"Elasticity: " + "[" + str(self.Ceff) + "]")"Solver Time: " + str(self.solve_time))
[docs] def error_check(self): # elast_map checks ws_tmp_tocheck = for i in range(self.elast_map.get_size()): low, high, C = self.elast_map.get_material(i) self.mat_elast[low] = np.array(C) if len(C) == 5: self.need_to_orient = True if[:3] != or \ not 0.9 < np.min(np.linalg.norm([np.logical_and( >= low, <= high)], axis=1)) < 1.1: raise Exception("The Workspace needs an orientation in order to align the elasticity.") # segmenting tmp domain to check if all values covered by mat_elast ws_tmp_tocheck[np.logical_and( >= low, <= high)] = low unique_matrixvalues = np.unique(ws_tmp_tocheck) if (unique_matrixvalues.size != len(self.mat_elast.keys()) or np.all(np.sort(list(self.mat_elast.keys())).astype(np.uint16) != unique_matrixvalues)): raise Exception("All values in workspace must match the IDs in ElasticityMap.") # direction checks if self.direction.lower() in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy']: self.direction = self.direction.lower() else: raise Exception("Invalid simulation direction, it can only be 'x', 'y', 'z', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy'.")