Source code for pumapy.physics_models.finite_volume.mpsa_elasticity

from pumapy.physics_models.finite_volume.elasticity_utils import pad_domain_cy, create_Ab_indices_cy, create_u_ivs_cy, assign_prescribed_bc_cy
from pumapy.physics_models.finite_volume.mpxa_matrices import (fill_Ampsa, fill_Bmpsa, fill_Cmpsa, fill_Dmpsa, create_d1_mpsa, create_d2_mpsa,
                                                               div_Eu_mpsa, div_Ed_mpsa, create_mpsa_indices)
from pumapy.physics_models.utils.linear_solvers import PropertySolver
from pumapy.physics_models.utils.boundary_conditions import ElasticityBC
from pumapy.utilities.timer import Timer
from pumapy.utilities.generic_checks import estimate_max_memory
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, diags
import numpy as np
import sys

[docs]class Elasticity(PropertySolver): def __init__(self, workspace, elast_map, direction, side_bc, tolerance, maxiter, solver_type, display_iter, dirichlet_bc): allowed_solvers = ['direct', 'gmres', 'bicgstab'] super().__init__(workspace, solver_type, allowed_solvers, tolerance, maxiter, display_iter) self.elast_map = elast_map self.mat_elast = dict() self.direction = direction self.side_bc = side_bc self.dirichlet_bc = dirichlet_bc self.need_to_orient = False # changes if (E_axial, E_radial, nu_poissrat_12, nu_poissrat_23, G12) detected self.u = None self.s = None self.t = None self.Ceff = None self.orient_pad = None # index arrays self.c_i_inds = np.tile(np.tile(np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int8), 2), 2) self.c_j_inds = np.tile(np.repeat(np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int8), 2), 2) self.c_k_inds = np.repeat(np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int8), 4) self.Aind, self.Bind, self.Cind, self.Dind = create_mpsa_indices() self.inds_sw = [9, 22, 35, 34, 23, 33, 11, 21, 10] self.inds_se = [9, 19, 32, 31, 20, 30, 11, 18, 10] self.inds_nw = [6, 22, 29, 28, 23, 27, 8, 21, 7] self.inds_ne = [6, 19, 26, 25, 20, 24, 8, 18, 7] self.inds_tsw = [3, 16, 35, 34, 17, 33, 5, 15, 4] self.inds_tse = [3, 13, 32, 31, 14, 30, 5, 12, 4] self.inds_tnw = [0, 16, 29, 28, 17, 27, 2, 15, 1] self.inds_tne = [0, 13, 26, 25, 14, 24, 2, 12, 1]
[docs] def compute(self): t = Timer() estimate_max_memory("elasticity",, self.solver_type, self.need_to_orient) self.initialize() self.assemble_matrices() print("Time to assemble matrices: ", t.elapsed()); t.reset() super().solve() print("Time to solve: ", t.elapsed()) self.compute_stresses() if self.direction != '': self.compute_effective_coefficient() self.solve_time = t.elapsed()
[docs] def initialize(self): # Rotating domain to avoid having different cases and padding shape = [self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z] reorder = [0, 1, 2] if self.direction in ['y', 'z', 'yz', 'xz']: if self.direction == 'y': shape = [self.len_y, self.len_z, self.len_x] reorder = [1, 2, 0] a1, b1, g1, a2, b2, g2, a3, b3, g3 = (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0) elif self.direction == 'z': shape = [self.len_z, self.len_x, self.len_y] reorder = [2, 0, 1] a1, b1, g1, a2, b2, g2, a3, b3, g3 = (0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) elif self.direction == 'yz': shape = [self.len_z, self.len_y, self.len_x] reorder = [2, 1, 0] a1, b1, g1, a2, b2, g2, a3, b3, g3 = (0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0) else: # xz shape = [self.len_x, self.len_z, self.len_y] reorder = [0, 2, 1] a1, b1, g1, a2, b2, g2, a3, b3, g3 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) # Rotating mat_elast C = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=float) R = np.array([[a1 ** 2, a2 ** 2, a3 ** 2, -2 * a2 * a3, -2 * a3 * a1, -2 * a1 * a2], [b1 ** 2, b2 ** 2, b3 ** 2, -2 * b2 * b3, -2 * b3 * b1, -2 * b1 * b2], [g1 ** 2, g2 ** 2, g3 ** 2, -2 * g2 * g3, -2 * g3 * g1, -2 * g1 * g2], [-b1 * g1, -b2 * g2, -b3 * g3, b2 * g3 + b3 * g2, b1 * g3 + b3 * g1, b1 * g2 + b2 * g1], [-g1 * a1, -g2 * a2, -g3 * a3, g2 * a3 + g3 * a2, g1 * a3 + g3 * a1, g1 * a2 + g2 * a1], [-a1 * b1, -a2 * b2, -a3 * b3, a2 * b3 + a3 * b2, a1 * b3 + a3 * b1, a1 * b2 + a2 * b1]]) for key, value in self.mat_elast.items(): if len(value) == 21: C[np.triu_indices(6)] = value C[np.tril_indices(6, -1)] = np.tril(C.T, -1)[np.tril_indices(6, -1)] C = R.T @ C @ R self.mat_elast[key] = C[np.triu_indices(6)] = self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z = shape self.len_xy = self.len_x * self.len_y self.len_xyz = self.len_x * self.len_y * self.len_z # Segmenting domain according to elast_map for i in range(self.elast_map.get_size()): low, high, _ = self.elast_map.get_material(i)[np.logical_and( >= low, <= high)] = low # Padding domain, imposing symmetric or periodic BC on faces self.ws_pad = np.zeros(np.array(shape) + 2, dtype=np.int16) self.ws_pad[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = if self.need_to_orient: self.orient_pad = np.zeros((np.array(shape) + 2).tolist() + [3], dtype=float) self.orient_pad[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1, :] = + [3])[:, :, :, reorder] pad_domain_cy(self.ws_pad, self.orient_pad, self.need_to_orient, self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, self.side_bc) if self.solver_type != 'direct' and self.solver_type != 'spsolve': self.initial_guess = np.zeros((self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, 3), dtype=float) for i in range(self.len_x): self.initial_guess[i, :, :, 0] = i / max((self.len_x - 1), 1) self.initial_guess = self.initial_guess.flatten('F')
[docs] def compute_Cmat(self, i, i_cv): # Reset layer of Cmat self.Cmat[i].fill(0) # Assigning elasticities throughout domain for key, value in self.mat_elast.items(): mask = self.ws_pad[i_cv] == key if len(value) == 21: self.Cmat[i, mask] = value else: # local elasticity orientation E1, E2, v12, v23, G12 = value v21 = v12 * E2 / E1 delta = 1 - 2 * v12 * v21 - v23 * v23 - 2 * v21 * v12 * v23 C_tmp = np.array([[((1 - v23 * v23) * E1) / delta, (v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, (v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, 0, 0, 0], [(v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, ((1 - v12 * v21) * E2) / delta, ((v23 + v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, 0, 0, 0], [(v21 * (1 + v23) * E1) / delta, ((v23 + v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, ((1 - v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ((1 - v23 - 2 * v21 * v12) * E2) / delta, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2 * G12, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 * G12]]) size = np.sum(mask) C_init = np.repeat(C_tmp[:, :, np.newaxis], size, axis=2) # Rotation matrix theta = np.arctan2(self.orient_pad[i_cv, mask, 1], self.orient_pad[i_cv, mask, 0]) a21 = -np.sin(theta) a22 = np.cos(theta) beta = np.arcsin(self.orient_pad[i_cv, mask, 2]) a13 = np.sin(beta) a33 = np.cos(beta) a11 = a22 * a33 a12 = - a21 * a33 a31 = - a22 * a13 a32 = a21 * a13 a23 = np.zeros(size) R = np.array([[a11 ** 2, a12 ** 2, a13 ** 2, a12 * a13, a11 * a13, a11 * a12], [a21 ** 2, a22 ** 2, a23, a23, a23, a21 * a22], [a31 ** 2, a32 ** 2, a33 ** 2, a32 * a33, a33 * a31, a31 * a32], [2 * a21 * a31, 2 * a32 * a22, a23, a22 * a33, a21 * a33, a21 * a32 + a22 * a31], [2 * a11 * a31, 2 * a12 * a32, 2 * a13 * a33, a32 * a13 + a33 * a12, a11 * a33 + a13 * a31, a31 * a12 + a32 * a11], [2 * a11 * a21, 2 * a12 * a22, a23, a13 * a22, a13 * a21, a11 * a22 + a12 * a21]]) C_final = R.transpose((2, 1, 0)) @ C_init.transpose((2, 0, 1)) @ R.transpose((2, 0, 1)) ind = np.triu_indices(6) self.Cmat[i, mask] = C_final[:, ind[0], ind[1]]
[docs] def initialize_mpsa(self): # Initialize matrix slice of elasticities self.Cmat = np.zeros((2, self.len_y + 2, self.len_z + 2, 21), dtype=float) # per CV self.compute_Cmat(0, 0) self.compute_Cmat(1, 1) # Initialize MPSA variables (variables per IV) self.Eu = np.zeros((2, self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1, 36, 24), dtype=float) self.Ed = np.zeros((2, self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1, 36, 1), dtype=float) self.mpsa36x36 = np.zeros((self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1, 36, 36), dtype=float) self.c = np.zeros((168, self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1), dtype=float) self.Dd = np.zeros((36, self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1), dtype=float) self.not_dir_x = np.ones((24, self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1), dtype=np.int8) self.not_dir_y = np.ones((24, self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1), dtype=np.int8) self.not_dir_z = np.ones((24, self.len_y + 1, self.len_z + 1), dtype=np.int8) # Computing first layer of E self.compute_transmissibility(0, 0) self.Cmat[0] = self.Cmat[1]
[docs] def compute_transmissibility(self, i, i_cv_in): i_iv = i_cv_in + i # flattening Cmat per IVs for j_iv in range(self.len_y + 1): js = j_iv + self.c_j_inds for k_iv in range(self.len_z + 1): ks = k_iv + self.c_k_inds self.c[:, j_iv, k_iv] = self.Cmat[self.c_i_inds, js, ks].ravel() # Dd arranged as: # Pe: 0,1,2 Ne: 3,4,5 Te: 6,7,8 TNe: 9,10,11 # Pn: 12,13,14 En: 15,16,17 Tn: 18,19,20 TEn: 21,22,23 # Pt: 24,25,26 Et: 27,28,29 Nt: 30,31,32 NEt: 33,34,35 # not_dir_xyz arranged as: # P: 0,8,16 E: 1,9,17 N: 2,10,18 NE: 3,11,19 # T: 4,12,20 TE: 5,13,21 TN: 6,14,22 TNE: 7,15,23 self.not_dir_x.fill(1) self.not_dir_y.fill(1) self.not_dir_z.fill(1) self.Dd.fill(0) if self.direction == '': assign_prescribed_bc_cy(self.not_dir_x, self.not_dir_y, self.not_dir_z, self.Dd, self.dirichlet_bc.xfaces, self.dirichlet_bc.yfaces, self.dirichlet_bc.zfaces, self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, i_iv) else: if self.direction in ["x", "y", "z"]: if i_iv == 0: self.not_dir_x[[0, 2, 4, 6]] = 0 elif i_iv == self.len_x: self.not_dir_x[[1, 3, 5, 7]] = 0 self.Dd[[0, 3, 6, 9]] = 1 else: # yz, xz, xy if i_iv == 0: self.not_dir_x[[0 + 8, 2 + 8, 4 + 8, 6 + 8]] = 0 if i_iv == self.len_x: self.not_dir_x[[1 + 8, 3 + 8, 5 + 8, 7 + 8]] = 0 self.Dd[[1, 4, 7, 10]] = 1 self.not_dir_y[[0, 1, 4, 5], 0] = 0 self.not_dir_y[[2, 3, 6, 7], self.len_y] = 0 self.Dd[[12, 15, 18, 21], self.len_y] = 1 self.Eu[i].fill(0) self.Ed[i].fill(0) self.mpsa36x36.fill(0) # mpsa36x36 = C self.mpsa36x36[:, :, self.Cind[0], self.Cind[1]] = fill_Cmpsa(self.c, self.not_dir_x, self.not_dir_y, self.not_dir_z) # mpsa36x36 = Cinv try: self.mpsa36x36[:] = np.linalg.inv(self.mpsa36x36) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: raise Exception("Singular MPSA matrix: remember that air cannot be exactly 0 (set it to a low value e.g. 1e-5).") # Eu = D self.Eu[i, :, :, self.Dind[0], self.Dind[1]] = fill_Dmpsa(self.c) # Eu = Cinv * D self.Eu[i] = self.mpsa36x36 @ self.Eu[i] # Ed = Cinv * d1 self.Ed[i] = self.mpsa36x36 @ create_d1_mpsa(self.c, self.Dd) # mpsa36x36 = A self.mpsa36x36.fill(0) self.mpsa36x36[:, :, self.Aind[0], self.Aind[1]] = fill_Ampsa(self.c, self.not_dir_x, self.not_dir_y, self.not_dir_z) # Eu = A * Eu = A * (Cinv * D) self.Eu[i] = self.mpsa36x36 @ self.Eu[i] # Ed = A * Ed = A * (Cinv * d1) self.Ed[i] = self.mpsa36x36 @ self.Ed[i] self.Ed[i] += create_d2_mpsa(self.c, self.Dd) # mpsa36x36 = B self.mpsa36x36[:, :, :, :24].fill(0) self.mpsa36x36[:, :, self.Bind[0], self.Bind[1]] = fill_Bmpsa(self.c) # Eu = Eu + B = A * (Cinv * D) + B self.Eu[i] += self.mpsa36x36[:, :, :, :24]
[docs] def assemble_matrices(self): print("Creating system:") print("Initializing large data structures ... ", flush=True, end='') I_A, J_A = np.zeros((2, 81 * 3 * self.len_xyz), dtype=np.uint32) V_A = np.zeros(81 * 3 * self.len_xyz, dtype=float) A_layer_n = 3 * 81 * self.len_y * self.len_z counter_A = 0 I_b = np.zeros(3 * self.len_xyz, dtype=np.uint32) V_b = np.zeros(3 * self.len_xyz, dtype=float) b_layer_n = 3 * self.len_y * self.len_z counter_b = 0 self.initialize_mpsa() print("Done") for i_cv in range(self.len_x): sys.stdout.write("\rCreating indices ... {:.1f}% ".format(max(1, i_cv) / max(1, self.len_x - 1) * 100)) self.compute_Cmat(1, i_cv + 2) self.compute_transmissibility(1, i_cv) # x,y,z divergence equations for P control volume # local_b V_b[counter_b:counter_b + b_layer_n] = \ -div_Ed_mpsa(self.Ed[0, :-1, :-1, :, 0], self.Ed[1, :-1, :-1, :, 0], self.Ed[0, 1:, :-1, :, 0], self.Ed[1, 1:, :-1, :, 0], self.Ed[0, :-1, 1:, :, 0], self.Ed[1, :-1, 1:, :, 0], self.Ed[0, 1:, 1:, :, 0], self.Ed[1, 1:, 1:, :, 0]).transpose((1, 2, 0)).ravel() # local_A V_A[counter_A:counter_A + A_layer_n] = \ div_Eu_mpsa(self.Eu[0, :-1, :-1], self.Eu[1, :-1, :-1], self.Eu[0, 1:, :-1], self.Eu[1, 1:, :-1], self.Eu[0, :-1, 1:], self.Eu[1, :-1, 1:], self.Eu[0, 1:, 1:], self.Eu[1, 1:, 1:]).transpose((2, 3, 0, 1)).ravel() create_Ab_indices_cy(I_A, J_A, I_b, counter_A, counter_b, i_cv, self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, self.len_xyz, self.side_bc) counter_A += A_layer_n counter_b += b_layer_n # Passing layers self.Eu[0] = self.Eu[1] self.Ed[0] = self.Ed[1] self.Cmat[0] = self.Cmat[1] # delete mpsa variables del self.Cmat, self.Eu, self.Ed, self.mpsa36x36, self.c, self.Dd, self.not_dir_x, self.not_dir_y, self.not_dir_z print("\nAssembling sparse matrices ... ", end='') nonzero_V = V_A != 0 self.Amat = coo_matrix((V_A[nonzero_V], (I_A[nonzero_V], J_A[nonzero_V])), shape=(3 * self.len_xyz, 3 * self.len_xyz)).tocsr() del I_A, J_A, V_A nonzero_V = V_b != 0 self.bvec = coo_matrix((V_b[nonzero_V], (I_b[nonzero_V], np.zeros_like(I_b[nonzero_V]))), shape=(3 * self.len_xyz, 1)).tocsr() del I_b, V_b # Jacobi preconditioner diag = self.Amat.diagonal() if np.any(diag == 0): self.M = None # identity matrix if singularity has happened in MPSA else: self.M = diags(1. / diag, 0).tocsr() del diag print("Done")
[docs] def compute_stresses(self): self.u = self.x.reshape([self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, 3], order='F') del self.x # Initialize required data structures self.s = np.zeros((self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, 3)) self.t = np.zeros((self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, 3)) self.initialize_mpsa() u_sw, u_se, u_nw, u_ne, u_tsw, u_tse, u_tnw, u_tne = np.zeros((8, self.len_y, self.len_z, 24)) uf = np.zeros(81) # Compute stresses for i_cv in range(self.len_x): sys.stdout.write("\rComputing stresses ... {:.1f}% ".format(max(1, i_cv) / max(1, self.len_x - 1) * 100)) self.compute_Cmat(1, i_cv + 2) self.compute_transmissibility(1, i_cv) create_u_ivs_cy(self.u, uf, i_cv, self.len_x, self.len_y, self.len_z, self.len_xyz, self.side_bc, u_sw, u_se, u_nw, u_ne, u_tsw, u_tse, u_tnw, u_tne) # Computing: stresses = Eu @ u + End s_sw = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[0, :-1, :-1, self.inds_sw], u_sw) + self.Ed[0, :-1, :-1, self.inds_sw, 0] s_se = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[1, :-1, :-1, self.inds_se], u_se) + self.Ed[1, :-1, :-1, self.inds_se, 0] s_nw = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[0, 1:, :-1, self.inds_nw], u_nw) + self.Ed[0, 1:, :-1, self.inds_nw, 0] s_ne = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[1, 1:, :-1, self.inds_ne], u_ne) + self.Ed[1, 1:, :-1, self.inds_ne, 0] s_tsw = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[0, :-1, 1:, self.inds_tsw], u_tsw) + self.Ed[0, :-1, 1:, self.inds_tsw, 0] s_tse = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[1, :-1, 1:, self.inds_tse], u_tse) + self.Ed[1, :-1, 1:, self.inds_tse, 0] s_tnw = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[0, 1:, 1:, self.inds_tnw], u_tnw) + self.Ed[0, 1:, 1:, self.inds_tnw, 0] s_tne = np.einsum('ijko,jko->ijk', self.Eu[1, 1:, 1:, self.inds_tne], u_tne) + self.Ed[1, 1:, 1:, self.inds_tne, 0] # Summing stresses CV-wise self.s[i_cv, :, :, 0] = (s_se[0] + s_ne[0] + s_tse[0] + s_tne[0] + s_sw[0] + s_nw[0] + s_tsw[0] + s_tnw[0]) # sigma_x self.s[i_cv, :, :, 1] = (s_nw[1] + s_ne[1] + s_tnw[1] + s_tne[1] + s_sw[1] + s_se[1] + s_tsw[1] + s_tse[1]) # sigma_y self.s[i_cv, :, :, 2] = (s_tsw[2] + s_tse[2] + s_tnw[2] + s_tne[2] + s_sw[2] + s_se[2] + s_nw[2] + s_ne[2]) # sigma_z self.t[i_cv, :, :, 0] = (s_tsw[3] + s_tse[3] + s_tnw[3] + s_tne[3] + s_sw[3] + s_se[3] + s_nw[3] + s_ne[3] + s_nw[4] + s_ne[4] + s_tnw[4] + s_tne[4] + s_sw[4] + s_se[4] + s_tsw[4] + s_tse[4]) # tau_yz self.t[i_cv, :, :, 1] = (s_tsw[5] + s_tse[5] + s_tnw[5] + s_tne[5] + s_sw[5] + s_se[5] + s_nw[5] + s_ne[5] + s_se[6] + s_ne[6] + s_tse[6] + s_tne[6] + s_sw[6] + s_nw[6] + s_tsw[6] + s_tnw[6]) # tau_xz self.t[i_cv, :, :, 2] = (s_nw[7] + s_ne[7] + s_tnw[7] + s_tne[7] + s_sw[7] + s_se[7] + s_tsw[7] + s_tse[7] + s_se[8] + s_ne[8] + s_tse[8] + s_tne[8] + s_sw[8] + s_nw[8] + s_tsw[8] + s_tnw[8]) # tau_xy # Passing layers self.Eu[0] = self.Eu[1] self.Ed[0] = self.Ed[1] self.Cmat[0] = self.Cmat[1] # delete mpsa variables del self.Cmat, self.Eu, self.Ed, self.mpsa36x36, self.c, self.Dd, self.not_dir_x, self.not_dir_y, self.not_dir_z self.s /= 8 * self.t /= 16 *
[docs] def compute_effective_coefficient(self): # Accumulating and volume averaging stresses stresses = [np.sum(self.s[:, :, :, i]) / self.len_xyz for i in range(3)] stresses.extend([np.sum(self.t[:, :, :, i]) / self.len_xyz for i in range(3)]) if self.direction in ["x", "y", "z"]: self.Ceff = [stresses[i] * self.len_x * for i in range(6)] else: self.Ceff = [stresses[i] / (0.5 / (self.len_x * + 0.5 / (self.len_y * for i in range(6)] # Rotating output back if self.direction == 'y': self.u = self.u.transpose(2, 0, 1, 3)[:, :, :, [2, 0, 1]] self.s = self.s.transpose(2, 0, 1, 3)[:, :, :, [2, 0, 1]] self.t = self.t.transpose(2, 0, 1, 3)[:, :, :, [2, 0, 1]] self.Ceff = [self.Ceff[2], self.Ceff[0], self.Ceff[1], self.Ceff[5], self.Ceff[3], self.Ceff[4]] elif self.direction == 'z': self.u = self.u.transpose(1, 2, 0, 3)[:, :, :, [1, 2, 0]] self.s = self.s.transpose(1, 2, 0, 3)[:, :, :, [1, 2, 0]] self.t = self.t.transpose(1, 2, 0, 3)[:, :, :, [1, 2, 0]] self.Ceff = [self.Ceff[1], self.Ceff[2], self.Ceff[0], self.Ceff[4], self.Ceff[5], self.Ceff[3]] elif self.direction == 'yz': self.u = self.u.transpose(2, 1, 0, 3)[:, :, :, [2, 1, 0]] self.s = self.s.transpose(2, 1, 0, 3)[:, :, :, [2, 1, 0]] self.t = self.t.transpose(2, 1, 0, 3)[:, :, :, [2, 1, 0]] self.Ceff = [self.Ceff[2], self.Ceff[1], self.Ceff[0], self.Ceff[5], self.Ceff[4], self.Ceff[3]] elif self.direction == 'xz': self.u = self.u.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)[:, :, :, [0, 2, 1]] self.s = self.s.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)[:, :, :, [0, 2, 1]] self.t = self.t.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)[:, :, :, [0, 2, 1]] self.Ceff = [self.Ceff[0], self.Ceff[2], self.Ceff[1], self.Ceff[3], self.Ceff[5], self.Ceff[4]]
[docs] def log_input(self):"Computing Elasticity")"Simulation direction: " + str(self.direction))"Domain Size: " + str("Elasticity Map: ") for i in range(self.elast_map.get_size()): low, high, cond = self.elast_map.get_material(i)" - Material " + str(i) + "[" + str(low) + "," + str(high) + "," + str(cond) + "]")"Solver Type: " + str(self.solver_type))"Solver Tolerance: " + str(self.tolerance))"Max Iterations: " + str(self.maxiter))
[docs] def log_output(self):"Finished Elasticity Calculation")"Elasticity: " + "[" + str(self.Ceff) + "]")"Solver Time: " + str(self.solve_time))
[docs] def error_check(self): # elast_map checks ws_tmp_tocheck = for i in range(self.elast_map.get_size()): low, high, C = self.elast_map.get_material(i) self.mat_elast[low] = np.array(C) if len(C) == 5: self.need_to_orient = True if[:3] != or \ not 0.9 < np.min(np.linalg.norm([np.logical_and( >= low, <= high)], axis=1)) < 1.1: raise Exception("The Workspace needs an orientation in order to align the elasticity.") # segmenting tmp domain to check if all values covered by mat_elast ws_tmp_tocheck[np.logical_and( >= low, <= high)] = low unique_matrixvalues = np.unique(ws_tmp_tocheck) if (unique_matrixvalues.size != len(self.mat_elast.keys()) or np.all(np.sort(list(self.mat_elast.keys())).astype(np.uint16) != unique_matrixvalues)): raise Exception("All values in workspace must match the IDs in ElasticityMap.") # direction and prescribed_bc checks if self.direction != '': if self.direction.lower() in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy']: self.direction = self.direction.lower() else: raise Exception("Invalid simulation direction, it can only be 'x', 'y', 'z', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy'.") else: if not isinstance(self.dirichlet_bc, ElasticityBC): raise Exception("For compute_stress_analysis function, dirichlet_bc needs to be a puma.ElasticityBC object.") # side_bc checks if self.side_bc.lower() == "periodic" or self.side_bc == "p": self.side_bc = "p" elif self.side_bc.lower() == "symmetric" or self.side_bc == "s": self.side_bc = "s" else: raise Exception("Invalid side boundary conditions.")