Source code for pumapy.utilities.generic_checks

from pumapy.utilities.workspace import Workspace
import math
import numpy as np

[docs]def size_check(size): if not (isinstance(size, tuple) and len(size) == 3): raise Exception("Error, invalid size, must be tuple of size 3") if size[0] <= 0: raise Exception("Error, invalid size, must be >= 0") if size[1] <= 0: raise Exception("Error, invalid size, must be >= 0") if size[2] <= 0: raise Exception("Error, invalid size, must be >= 0")
[docs]def range_inc(var, var_range, var_name): if var < var_range[0] or var > var_range[1]: raise Exception("Error, invalid " + str(var_name) + ", must be between " + str(var_range[0]) + " and " + str( var_range[1]) + ", inclusive")
[docs]def range_exc(var, var_range, var_name): if var <= var_range[0] or var >= var_range[1]: raise Exception("Error, invalid " + str(var_name) + ", must be between " + str(var_range[0]) + " and " + str( var_range[1]) + ", exclusive")
[docs]def greater_than_inc(var, lim, var_name): if var < lim: raise Exception("Error, invalid " + str(var_name) + ", must be greater than " + str(lim) + ", inclusive")
[docs]def greater_than_exc(var, lim, var_name): if var <= lim: raise Exception("Error, invalid " + str(var_name) + ", must be greater than " + str(lim) + ", exclusive")
[docs]def less_than_inc(var, lim, var_name): if var > lim: raise Exception("Error, invalid " + str(var_name) + ", must be less than " + str(lim) + ", inclusive")
[docs]def less_than_exc(var, lim, var_name): if var >= lim: raise Exception("Error, invalid " + str(var_name) + ", must be less than " + str(lim) + ", exclusive")
[docs]def check_ws_cutoff(workspace, cutoff): if not isinstance(workspace, Workspace): raise Exception("Need to pass pumapy.Workspace.") if workspace.matrix.shape == [1, 1, 1]: raise Exception("Empty workspace") if len(cutoff) != 2: raise Exception("Cutoff should be of length 2. Ex: (128,255)") if min(cutoff[0], cutoff[1]) < 0: raise Exception("Invalid cutoff. Must be positive") if cutoff[0] > cutoff[1]: raise Exception("Invalid cutoff. cutoff[0] should be <= cutoff[1]")
[docs]def estimate_max_memory(material_property, workspace_shape, solver_type='iterative', need_to_orient=False, mf=True, perm_fluid_vf=1.): """ Compute an estimate of the extra maximum memory required to run a specified material property on a domain :param material_property: property to estimate, options: 'anisotropic_conductivity', 'isotropic_conductivity', 'tortuosity', 'elasticity', 'permeability' :type material_property: string :param workspace_shape: size of the domain to compute :type workspace_shape: (int, int, int) :param solver_type: type of solver, options: 'direct', 'iterative' :type solver_type: string :param need_to_orient: domain with orientation (needed for anisotropic conductivity and elasticity) :type need_to_orient: bool :param mf: using matrix-free construction of the system (needed for FE methods) :type mf: bool :return: number of Bytes :rtype: int """ # missing properties: 'orientation', 'radiation' mat_properties = ['anisotropic_conductivity', 'isotropic_conductivity', 'tortuosity', 'elasticity', 'elasticity_fe', 'permeability'] if material_property not in mat_properties: raise Exception(f"material_property input can only be one of the following types: {mat_properties}") def convert_bytes_size(size_bytes): if size_bytes == 0: return "0B" size_name = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB") i = int(math.floor(math.log(size_bytes, 1024))) p = math.pow(1024, i) s = round(size_bytes / p, 2) return "%s %s" % (s, size_name[i]) # sizes in bytes float_size = np.zeros(1, dtype=float).itemsize uint32_size = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.uint32).itemsize uint16_size = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.uint16).itemsize len_x, len_y, len_z = workspace_shape total_bytes = 0 # General idea: peak memory should be reached at Amat sparse matrix creation if material_property in ["anisotropic_conductivity", "elasticity"]: # because of the use of padded domains len_x += 2 len_y += 2 len_z += 2 if material_property == "anisotropic_conductivity": values_in_Amat_rows = 27 dof = 1. # degrees of freedom else: values_in_Amat_rows = 81 dof = 3. len_xyz = len_x * len_y * len_z # Amat size (V, I, J) A_rows = dof * values_in_Amat_rows * len_xyz total_bytes += 2 * (A_rows * float_size + 2 * A_rows * uint32_size) # bvec size bvec = dof * len_y * len_z * float_size + 2 * len_xyz * uint32_size total_bytes += bvec # ws_pad_size total_bytes += len_xyz * uint16_size # case dependent variables if solver_type != "direct": total_bytes += dof * len_xyz * float_size # initial guess size if need_to_orient: total_bytes += 3 * len_xyz * float_size # orient_pad_size elif material_property in ["isotropic_conductivity", "tortuosity"]: # Amat size (V, I, J) A_rows = (len_x - 2) * len_y * len_z * 7 + 2 * len_y * len_z total_bytes += 2 * (A_rows * float_size + 2 * A_rows * uint32_size) len_xyz = len_x * len_y * len_z # bvec size total_bytes += len_xyz * float_size # ws_pad_size total_bytes += len_xyz * uint16_size if solver_type != "direct": total_bytes += len_xyz * float_size # initial guess size elif material_property == "permeability": n_elems = len_x * len_y * len_z n_dofs = n_elems * 4 * perm_fluid_vf n_nodes = (len_x + 1) * (len_y + 1) * (len_z + 1) if mf == False or solver_type == 'direct': total_bytes += (16 * n_elems + 64 * n_nodes + 2 * 64 * n_dofs + 18 * 64 * n_elems) / 8 else: total_bytes += (16 * n_elems + 64 * n_nodes + 5 * 64 * n_dofs) / 8 elif material_property == "elasticity_fe": n_elems = len_x * len_y * len_z n_dofs = n_elems * 3 n_nodes = (len_x + 1) * (len_y + 1) * (len_z + 1) if mf == False or solver_type == 'direct' or need_to_orient: total_bytes += (16 * n_elems + 64 * n_nodes + 2 * 64 * n_dofs + 18 * 64 * n_elems) / 8 else: total_bytes += (16 * n_elems + 64 * n_nodes + 5 * 64 * n_dofs) / 8 # elif material_property == "orientation": # pass # # elif material_property == "radiation": # pass print(f"Approximate memory requirement for simulation: {convert_bytes_size(int(round(total_bytes)))}") return total_bytes
[docs]def set_random_seed(seed): """ Set random seed for scipy and numpy to make results reproducible. NB: if you want to generate the same material twice in the same process, you need to call it twice (see example) :param seed: random seed :type seed: int :Example: >>> import pumapy as puma >>> puma.set_random_seed(1) >>> ws = puma.generate_random_spheres((100, 100, 100), 20, 0.5, allow_intersect=True, segmented=False) Approximately ... spheres to be generated... >>> # puma.render_volume(ws) # to visualize it >>> puma.set_random_seed(1) # need to call it again to get the same domain! >>> ws = puma.generate_random_spheres((100, 100, 100), 20, 0.5, allow_intersect=True, segmented=False) Approximately ... spheres to be generated... >>> # puma.render_volume(ws) """ np.random.seed(seed)