Source code for pumapy.utilities.isosurface

import numpy as np
from skimage import measure
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from pumapy.utilities.workspace import Workspace
from pumapy.utilities.generic_checks import check_ws_cutoff

[docs]def generate_isosurface(workspace, cutoff, flag_closed_edges=True, flag_gaussian=False): """ Generation of isosurface based on cutoff provided :param workspace: domain :type workspace: pumapy.Workspace or numpy.ndarray :param cutoff: specify cutoff to binarize material :type cutoff: (int, int) :param flag_closed_edges: close edges of surfaces on the boundaries :type flag_closed_edges: bool :param flag_gaussian: apply Gaussian filter before generating surface :type flag_gaussian: bool :return: triangulated surface :rtype: TriMesh """ iso = Isosurface(workspace, cutoff, flag_closed_edges, flag_gaussian) iso.error_check() iso.log_input() iso.compute() iso.log_output() return iso.tri_mesh
[docs]class TriMesh: def __init__(self): self.verts = None self.faces = None self.normals = None self.values = None self.mesh = None
[docs] def copy(self, other): self.verts = np.copy(other.verts) self.faces = np.copy(other.faces) self.normals = np.copy(other.normals) self.values = np.copy(other.values)
[docs] def create_mesh(self): import pyvista as pv # lazily import pyvista to solve Dragonfly's crash f = np.zeros((self.faces.shape[0], 4), dtype=np.uint32) f[:, 0] = 3 f[:, 1:] = self.faces self.mesh = pv.PolyData(self.verts, f.ravel())
[docs] def save(self, filename, binary=True): if not filename.lower().endswith('.stl'): filename += ".stl" if self.mesh is None: self.create_mesh(), binary=binary)
[docs]class Isosurface: def __init__(self, workspace, cutoff, flag_closed_edges, flag_gaussian): if isinstance(workspace, np.ndarray): self.workspace = Workspace.from_array(workspace) else: self.workspace = workspace self.cutoff = list(cutoff) self.flag_closed_edges = flag_closed_edges self.flag_gaussian = flag_gaussian self.tri_mesh = TriMesh() self.matrix = np.empty(self.workspace.matrix.shape)
[docs] def compute(self): if float(self.cutoff[0]).is_integer(): self.cutoff[0] -= 0.5 if float(self.cutoff[1]).is_integer(): self.cutoff[1] += 0.5 self.flip_matrix() self.apply_gaussian() self.buffer_matrix() import warnings warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) self.tri_mesh.verts, self.tri_mesh.faces, self.tri_mesh.normals, self.tri_mesh.values \ = measure.marching_cubes(self.matrix, self.iso_value, allow_degenerate=False)
[docs] def flip_matrix(self): self.matrix = np.copy(self.workspace.matrix).astype(np.float32) average = (self.cutoff[0] + self.cutoff[1]) / 2.0 mask = self.matrix > average self.matrix[mask] = 2 * average - self.matrix[mask] self.iso_value = self.cutoff[0]
[docs] def buffer_matrix(self): if self.flag_closed_edges: matrix_buf = np.full([self.matrix.shape[0] + 2, self.matrix.shape[1] + 2, self.matrix.shape[2] + 2], -1e3) matrix_buf[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = self.matrix[:, :, :] self.matrix = np.copy(matrix_buf)
[docs] def apply_gaussian(self): if self.flag_gaussian: self.matrix = ndimage.gaussian_filter(self.matrix, sigma=1)
[docs] def error_check(self): check_ws_cutoff(self.workspace, self.cutoff)
[docs] def log_input(self): self.workspace.log.log_section("Computing Isosurface") self.workspace.log.log_line("Domain Size: " + str(self.workspace.get_shape())) self.workspace.log.log_line("Cutoff: " + str(self.cutoff)) if self.flag_closed_edges: self.workspace.log.log_line("Closed Edges: True") else: self.workspace.log.log_line("Closed Edges: False") if self.flag_gaussian: self.workspace.log.log_line("Gaussian: True") else: self.workspace.log.log_line("Gaussian: False") self.workspace.log.write_log()
[docs] def log_output(self): self.workspace.log.log_section("Finished Isosurface") self.workspace.log.log_line("Number of Triangles: " + str(self.tri_mesh.values.shape[0] / 3.))